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Implant Dentistry - The Convenient and Safe Alternative to Dentures

you are missing a tooth or a group of teeth, you may find that you are afraid to smile, you don't like to speak because you think you sound funny, or you may not be able to eat certain foods that you enjoy. Until recently, your only option was to replace these missing teeth with dentures. Patients often complained that dentures were uncomfortable and inconvenient.

Dental implants remove the embarrassment, irritation and self-consciousness often associated with dentures and older methods of tooth replacement. Dental implants are permanent. Unlike dentures and other removable alternatives, dental implants can be maintained exactly the same as your natural teeth. Flossing, brushing, and regular checkups with your dentist are all that's needed to care for your dental implants.

Florida implant dentist Dr. Gary Kodish comments, "Dental implants have been hugely successful in Fort Lauderdale and Miami. My patients are continuously overjoyed by their new smiles. Their only regret is that they didn't perform the procedure sooner."

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots that are anchored into or on top of your jawbone. Dental implants are a safe, effective way to replace a single missing tooth, two or more teeth, and even entire rows of teeth. Although each case is different, the total time for an implant dentistry procedure can be up to eighteen months. This includes the initial evaluation through your final "teeth" being implanted.

Dental implants are the best replacement for natural teeth. Implant dentistry can improve your appearance and self-confidence at any age. Dental implants are available to anyone missing all or some of their teeth, including children, adults, and the elderly.

For more information about dental implants in Fort Lauderdale, Boca Raton, or Miami, Florida, call Cosmetic Dentist, Dr. Gary Kodish at 954-462-5252.