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Risperdal Side Effects: Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome NMS

perdal is an atypical anti-psychotic drug that balances the levels of dopamine and serotonin in the brain. It helps to stabilize patients with mental illness including the manic stages of bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. However Risperdal has been prescribed not just for people with mental illness, but also for children and the elderly who have behavioral and conduct disorders and for autism. Studies have only approved Risperdal for use with adults, not children. Children on Risperdal could retain lasting side effects.

Side effects of Risperdal can include abdominal pain, vomiting, dry mouth, agitation, aggression, anxiety, chest pain, coughing, involuntary movement, nasal inflammation, lack of coordination, dizziness, dry skin, weight gain, rapid heart beat, fainting, seizures, trouble swallowing, vision problems, tremors, lethargy, joint pain, respiratory infection, impotence, heavy menstruation, and many many others. However an even more serious side effect of Risperdal is stroke. Risperdal related strokes have killed 16 people and injured many others. Also, Risperdal has been shown to cause Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome (NMS). NMS is a syndrome that causes respiratory failure, cardiovascular collapse, myglobinuric renal failure, arrhythmias, rhabdomyolysis, pneumonia, seizures or diffuse intravascular coagulation and is sometimes fatal.

If you or a loved on has suffered from the dangerous side effects of Risperdal, including stroke, NMS, or tardive dyskinesia, you may be able to pursue a lawsuit against Johnson & Johnson, the manufacturer of Risperdal. Johnson & Johnson has a $2.1 billion revenue from Risperdal sales. A Risperdal lawsuit can help gain compensation for medical expenses, lost income, and physical and emotional distress caused by taking Risperdal. If you feel you have a case, contact a product liability lawyer.

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