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Adaptogens for Life - The Science Behind the Discovery of Adaptogens

ern civilization has produced an unusually stressful environment to humans and animals, with extreme high demands on our physical and mental abilities. The last one hundred years have brought unique new challenges for all. It doesn't take much reflection upon the obvious and not so obvious sources of stressors today to realize the average person endures a lifetime of extraordinary physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual stress.

Unfortunately the continual assault of these daily modern stressors can have severe consequences on our health and well-being.

Are you aware that 80% of all illness and disease today is stress related? That 25% of all prescriptions written are due to issues stemming from the root problem of stress. That one of the three top selling drugs in North America is a tranquilizer and 2/3 of all visits to family physicians also stem from stress.

What can be done about it? The answer is, Prime One! Dr. Brekhman's signature daily adaptogenic herbal formula made with the seven most powerful Adaptogens known to man.

What are Adaptogens?

Adaptogens are biologically active substances found in certain herbs and plants, which help the body and mind of humans and animals adapt to the change and stresses of life.

The world-renowned Russian research scientist, Dr. Israel I. Brekhman PhD, is hailed world-wide as the father of extensive Adaptogen research. He was a professor of Medicine,and a physiological pharmacologist. The Soviet Union and The Russian National Parliament bestowed on the good doctor the Order of Lenin, The Lenin Medal for valiant work, as well as the coveted Certificate of Honour, these awards came to him for breaking the genetic codes of plants, uncovering the molecular structures of their phyto-chemicals and his lifetime work with Adaptogens.He also held 40 patents, published 22 monographs, several hundred scientific articles, and wrote many books. Dr. Brekhman pioneered a vast "top-secret" scientific effort funded by the Russian government involving 1200 of their best scientists. Directed by Dr. Brekhman this scientific community applied scientific methodology to the study of plants. They explored plant biological codes and analyzed their molecular structures. Entire populations of towns, schools, hospitals and factories became his test subjects. In one case study, for example they analyzed an entire town and all its inhabitants including the animals for twelve long years. This lead to one of the most massive, sustained and successful programs of human and animal testing in recorded scientific history.

After 45-years of consistent research and thousands of clinical trials, the final patented formulation, Prime One was created and consists of seven adaptogenic herbal extracts. The primary herb is 'Eleutherococcus' also known as Siberian ginseng. This phenomenal herbal blend was subsequently found in clinical trials to have surprising synergistic qualities - so that the blend of these seven herbs together was significantly more effective than any of the single herbs taken alone.

Prime One contains rare trace minerals, co-enzymes, metabolites, anti-oxidants and vitamins. These phyto-nutrients address entire classes of body functions. They enhance human resistance to a broad variety of physical, emotional, metabolic and environmental stresses, and fill a nutritional void addressed by no other dietary element.

In 1962 Eleutherococcus, the prototype Adaptogen was declared an official herbal Medicine by the USSR Minister of health and was included in their National Drug Guide, the pharmacopoeia. Also, "Brekhman's formula was used on par with Diabetes medications to help balance blood sugar levels". Morton Walker medical journal report Innovative Biologics, July 1994

Why are Adaptogens important to our health you might ask?

Well, stressors such as: toxins, pollutants, oxidants, and chemicals in processed foods, radiation, Depression