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The Value of Focus in Reaching Your Goals


"One aught never to turn one's back on a threatened danger and try to run away from it. If you do that, you will double the danger. But if you meet it promptly and without flinching, you will reduce the danger by half." -- Sir Winston Churchill

When you decide on a goal, and start on your goal setting path, it can be daunting. Especially when you think of the big picture, it is often not easy to keep your focus.

We do not live in Utopia, thus obstacles WILL be encountered. This is no reason to be sidetracked from your goal, by thinking of what's coming. If you think about it and anticipate the "threatened danger", you will be better equipped to deal with it when it comes.

If you ignore thinking about the possible obstacles, you very possibly will never start working on your goal. It is important to make a start - remember, when taking it step-by-step, great things are possible. As Sir Winston said, by running away, "you will double the danger".

An example of using focus to succeed, when studying, you can prepare every day, one lesson at a time, the result will be that the exam is taken in stride.

To quote Sir Winston Churchill again, "you will reduce the danger by half" - the danger may be reduced by even more. You may even be able to overcome the obstacle totally. Keep the big picture in mind, but focus on the steps, and you will succeed.

Make it your goal to...

Focus on the steps you need to take to reach your goal. Keep the big picture in mind, but don't focus on that.

You can continue through life as you are, or you can take charge, and get what you want. Colin Dunbar's eaziGOAL toolbox contains 11 practical goal setting tools to enable you to reach your goal. Free newsletter. Get the details now.