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Harnessing the Power of the Unknown: Move from Repeating the Past to Re-inventing the Future
The Unknown - it is scary territory for many, something to be avoided for others and shameful for those who feel they are supposed to know everything. What is your relationship with the Unknown? Take a moment to ponder it because your attitude towards and experience of this is what governs your ability to create, to innovate and truly bring more of yourself out into the world - in short to be successful. If you are going to create something new in your life - in your career, your relationships and your creative endeavors you will be walking into unknown territory. Learning how to navigate this territory effectively and with power is what makes the difference between having a full, rich experience of life and work you enjoy, relishing the adventure of every day or living in frustration wondering why the same thing keeps occurring repeatedly.Many of us have been taught to be afraid of what we don't know. It's threatening, "bad" things happen in the unknown, if you don't know the answer it means you are stupid. You have been taught over and over again that remaining with what you know will ensure your security and your success. But you can see repeatedly that this attitude gives birth to bigotry, prevents you from taking informed risks that could improve your life and often creates a life of boredom and fatigue.In truth each moment is a new one. It is your habit of carrying the past forward that keeps you repeating the same old patterns both in Business and in your personal lives. This is not to say that experience doesn't develop discrimination. It does and discrimination is a valuable tool for us. The question is when is it blocking you? I can't tell you how many times in working with clients they say some variation of the following -
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