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Discover Who You Are And Why You Are Here
You are a Creative Worker:God carries on creative work through human beings. Human beings serve as instrument of transformation of thoughts and ideas from the spiritual state to the physical state. Our mind which is an aspect of the brain mechanism is a creative device which enables us to relate to spiritual as well as physical existence.Our role in the creative process involves receiving thoughts and ideas which emanate from God into our mind. By means of our mental and physical powers we are able to transform these thoughts and ideas into physical reality. So the human being receives from the spiritual and transforms into the physical. Our function in the creative process can be likened to the function of a television set. The pictures we see on the screen do not originate from the television set. The television set receives signals that are transmitted from a television station and then transforms these signals into observable pictures on the television screen. In the case of the creative process, thinking enables us to tune in to and receive thoughts, ideas and concepts from God. These thoughts, ideas and concepts we are then able to transform into physical (objective) reality by means of our mental and physical powers. To illustrate this process let us consider how a building comes into existence. By thinking, an architect receives ideas and concepts of the design of a building in his mind. By means of his mental and physical abilities he transfers his mental pictures of the design of this building to drawing on paper. A builder, by interpreting this drawing, is able to construct the building thereby bringing it into existence. And so what has come from God as thoughts has eventually become a physical reality.Evidently, the human being is a co-worker with God in the creative process.Your Gift of Creative Ability:Human beings are endowed with creative ability. We have the capacity to do things requiring intelligence. Our creative ability is in the form of mental and physical powers. Since our physical abilities are obvious, I shall focus attention on human mental powers. Observation of human beings reveals that human mind exhibits certain capabilities. These are:Drive:This is the mental power by which a person presses forward or pushes on with a task. It is the capacity of the mind to sustain effort and get things done.Power of Self Control:This is the mental power by which a person can direct his thoughts and actions and exercise control over his feelings and impulses.Power of Feeling:This is the power of the mind by which a person is able to perceive, experience or become conscious of physical and spiritual phenomena through feeling.Intelligence:This is the mental power we have of perceiving, learning, understanding and knowing.There are three aspects to human intelligence and these are:Intellect: This is the power of the mind to reason.Memory: This is the power of keeping facts in the conscious mind and being able to call them back at will.Knowledge: The actual knowledge a person has is an aspect of his intelligence.All these mental powers are present in every normal human being. These mental powers working together determine a person's mental qualities and characteristics. Our mental powers together with our physical abilities constitute our creative ability.The extent, degree or level to which human beings are gifted with each of these different mental powers varies from individual to individual. No two individuals match each other in the extent of endowment of every one of these mental powers. By this I mean that no two individuals have the same measure of drive, the same degree of self-control and the same depth and strength of power of feeling as well as have the same measure of intellect, the same strength of memory and the same amount of knowledge. However, people may be classed in broad groupings of level of endowment of particular mental powers. For example, depending on the extent to which a person is gifted intellectually, such a person may be described in any one of the following ways: as having low intellectual ability, as having average intellectual ability, as having high intellectual ability or as having exceptional intellectual ability.Because human beings are endowed with the different mental powers to different levels, degrees or extent, you find that each human being has distinct mental qualities and characteristics. Each individual has his or her special way of thinking and doing things. This explains why human beings think and behave differently from one another. The fact that human beings are mentally different explains why people have different interests and talents and so take to different vocations, occupations or professions. It also accounts for the fact that p