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Heroes and Heroines - Contemplating Conscious Evolution


The myths of man have been with us throughout time. Since the earliest of cave drawings to modern books and film, the myths of man have been the creators of man, providing both meaning and symbolism to his / her life.

Myths have guided man throughout the centuries and are to be found in every culture. They inspire; they guide; they teach. They provide sustenance to us humans as we travel this Earthly plane.

Yes, this Earthly plane! Such a radical statement when you think about it. Since the dawn of time, man has been guided by mythology, and yet, he/she inspired its very nature and course of action. Myths exist for man, while man creates the myths he/she lives by. Such an interesting cycle don't you think? One feeding the other as it were.

We don't often think of mythology in the modern age, only as a curiosity perhaps, but never as a true guide for our journey across this plane. No, we refer to other measures in this so called advanced age of ours.

Yet we are no different than any other age really, borrowing as it were our most cherished guideposts from the culture of the time. Whatever technology has to offer becomes the model for our functioning, and also the functioning of the Universe. Today it is the computer and its associated language. Not so long ago it was the Clock and the simple mathematical formulas that allowed us to split and measure time.

Now we refer to "cyber space" and "virtual reality" as if these define the ultimate in all possible achievement. Not so long from now, a mere 20 years perhaps, we will be looked upon as primitive, just like the people who grew up with old black and white television sets with all their hand controls and bulbous appearance. Yet this technology was the epitome of its time back in the 1950s just like the computer is today. Just like the black and white TV period then, our age today will be eclipsed in no time by a new generation of cyber space technologies and their spokesmen who will speak a language that few of us will understand, but we will all be amazed nonetheless.

This is how it goes, what we've come to call "progress." One event or discovery supercedes the last one and so on. Yet no technology ever, and I do mean ever, has solved the problems of the Spirit. No advance, no discovery, no matter how far reaching, has ever made man happier. Because Happiness is not a function of technological advances; it is a function of the heart. Always has been, always will be! And no technology can supercede that.

So where does that leave us? Should we abandon our seeking of technological advances? Shall we give up on improving the epitome of the computer chip, or whatever successor to that throne now exists? No, of course not! But let's be real, as some like to say. Let's get down to brass tax. If technology is not the answer, then what? Where to we turn for Spiritual sustenance?

Do we go back to the dark ages where Voodoo and other mysteries were being practiced? Do we dust off the Bible once again and have another go at a proper interpretation? Do we look to the skies for the advancing alien cultures that so many predict are on their way? Or, do we look elsewhere, in a totally different direction perhaps, one that the so-called New Age movement has been alluding to? Where do we look for answers?

Our systems of government, as good as they are, aren't working perfectly by any means. Our religious institutions aren't functioning any better, perhaps even worse. Our civic governments are up in arms over one issue or another. Our private industries are in a constant state of flux trying to find the next best solution in order to make more money. We've even seen a lot of illegal activity brought to light here, all for the simple aim of making more profit.

Upsizing, downsizing, restructuring, all buzzwords describing the last couple of decades. Where are they taking us? Nowhere likely! At least no further than we were when that cycle started. When there's no guiding Spirit to call upon, to trust, to guide you forward, where do you turn?

Everyone's scared right now, isn't that true? We've had the unthinkable - 9/11/2001. Everyone's wondering what's going to happen next. No one can count on their job. There's a war on somewhere in the world. Families disintegrate. Mad men still rule some countries. And so-called sane societies are still arming thems