Reach Your Goals - Use Your Holidays
Use birthdays and other gift-giving holidays to help reach your goalsSuggest to friends and family that for your birthday, Christmas, Hanukah, etc., you would much rather receive goal-related gifts than a new set of bath salts or scented candles. Examples:Tuition assistance at the college you're attending to get that new degree.Supplies, or money toward supplies, to open your new Business.A gift certificate to a trendy shop to buy new clothes for that new figure.An invitation to that networking-central black-tie party to help promote your new Business orexpand your Rolodex.A computer program that you need for your new endeavor.All of these gift ideas give your friends the chance to say, "I love you and support you", and they'll know that not only will their gifts fit (and be the right color), but that they will be used and appreciated far more than another holiday sweater would be.(c) Soni PittsABOUT THE AUTHORSoni Pitts is the Chief Visionary Butt-Kicker of SoniPitts.Com. She specializes in helping others reclaim "soul proprietorship" in their lives and to begin living the life their Creator always intended for them.She is the author of the free e-book "50 Ways To Reach Your goals" and over 100 self-help and inspirational articles, as well as other products and resources designed to facilitate this process of personal growth and spiritual development.
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