5) Judas 69pct 犹大 69%
6) Adolf 65pct 阿道夫 65%
7) Pandora 63pct 潘多拉 63%
8) Regan 60pct 里根 60%
9) Samara 50pct 萨马拉 50%
10) Boris 41pct 伯里斯 41%
Three quartersof respondents said they would avoid dating someone with the nameDamien and 66 percent of women said they were superstitious aboutnaming a child after someone they hated at school or anex-boyfriend。
More than athird of respondents said they believed that teachers gave highermarks to children with attractive names and 70 percent of peoplesaid they would pass judgment about a person's lifestyle andcharacter based on their name。
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