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  第3篇 Seeing Red Means Danger Ahead
  The color red often means danger - and by paying attention, ( 1 ) can be prevented. At railroad crossings, flashing red fights warn cars to stay back. A red light at a traffic intersection tells cars to stop, so ( 2 ) don't run into other cars.
  In the future, the color red also may help prevent danger ( 3 ) construction sites. Thanks to1 new work by engineers, bridge supports2 - or other kinds of materials - could one day contain a color-changing material. It will turn red ( 4 ) a structure collapses or falls ( 5) . A tiny molecule may make a big difference in future warning systems.
  A polymer ( 6 ) a color-changing molecule called a mechanophore turns red seconds before it snaps3. The technology may one day allow damage to materials or structures4 to be easily ( 7 ) .
  The secret behind the color-changing material is a particular type of molecule. A molecule is a group of atoms held together by ( 8 ) bonds. Molecules come in all shapes and sizes, and make up ( 9 ) you can see, touch or feel. How a molecule behaves depends on what kinds of atoms it contains, and how they're held together.
  When a polymer containing a color-changing molecule called a mechanophore is about to breaks, it produces a color. When a polymer with mechanophore molecules becomes "injured" or ( 10 ) , one of the mechanophore bonds breaks and the material turns red. "It's a really simple detection method," says Nancy Sottos, one of the scientists who worked on the project. "We're ( 11 ) up this one bond, and it changes color." Sottos and her team tested the color-changing polymers in their lab. The test ( 12 ) proved encouraging.
  There is a way to get rid of~ the red color: ( 13 ) . When a bright light is shone on the mechanophore, the broken bond is fixedrn and the red color disappears. This "self-healing" may be a problem for engineers. They need to use the color-changer in big construction projects that will be ( 14 ) , in sunlight. And sunlight will make the mechanophore's warning system useless.
  Sottos and her fellow scientists still have ( 15 ) work to do before the color-changing molecules can. be used outside the lab.
  crossing n.十字路口 mechanophore n.机械响应性聚合物 intersection n.交叉路口
  molecule n.分子 snap v.折断,断裂 polymer n.聚合物 atom n.原子
  1. Thanks to:多亏,由于
  2. bridge supports:桥梁支柱
  3. seconds before it snaps:聚合物断裂前几秒钟。Seconds 修饰状语从句 before it snaps。It 指代 polymer。
  4. damage to materials or structures:材料或建筑物的损坏。to 是介词。介词短语 to materials or structures 修饰 damage。
  5. is about to break:即将断裂。be about to ( V)意为“刚刚,行将”。
  6. get rid of:除去。
  7. the broken bond is fixed:断裂的键被修复。Fix 意为“修理,修复”。
  1 A measures B accidents C actions D collapses
  2 A they B it C some D most
  3 A with B over C at D in
  4 A before B after C once D while
  5 A together B behind C down D apart
  6 A contacting B conducting C containing D considering
  7 A controlled B spotted C repaired D changed
  8 A technical B electronic C physical D chemical
  9 A everything B something C nothing D anything
  10 A weak B strong C tough D soft
  11 A using B opening C turning D finishing
  12 A laws B theories C tools D results
  13 A air B electricity C light D sound
  14 A aside B beside C inside D outside
  15 A a part of B a pair of C a piece of D a lot of