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  backpack/5bAkpAk/n.背包 watt/wCt /n.瓦(特)
  receiver/ri5si:vE(r)/n.接收机 gait/eit/n.步态,步法
  night-visiongoggle 夜视镜 oscillation/7Csi5leiFEn/n.摆动
  spring/spriN /n.弹簧 commercialize/kE5mE:FElaiz/v.商业化
  vertical/5vE:tikEl /adj.垂直的 mountaineer/7maunti5niE(r)/n.登山运动员
  rotary/5rEutEri /adj.旋转的
  1. Backpacks are convenient because
  A they can be verylarge.
  B they can hold as many things as you want to carry.
  C your handsare freed to do other things.
  D you do not have to carry things withyou.
  2. What is the most important feature of the backpack invented byLawrence C.Rome
  and his colleagues?
  A It produces electricity forelectronic devices while the wearer walks.
  B It can be used as cellphones,GPS in the military actions or field studies.
  C It is small andconvenient.
  D It is light and easy to carry.
  3. The word "springs" inParagraph 3 means
  A a small stream of water flowing naturally from theearth.
  B the season of the year,occurring between winter and summer.
  C the act or an instance of jumping or leaping.
  D a length of metal woundaround,which returns to its original shape after
  being pushed.
  4. According to Paragraph 4,what does Rome plan to do?
  A To make the backpackmore comfortable for the wearer.
  B To put the backpack on the market.
  C To test the advantage of the backpack.
  D To promote the backpack in anewspaper or on television.
  5. What is implied in “if you do get oneeventually,just make sure to took both
  ways before crossing the street!”?
  A You will be too excited to watch the traffic.
  B Enjoyingelectronic devices while walking may invite traffic accidents.
  C It is notpossible for you to get such a backpack.
  D It is wise of you to have such abackpack.
  1.C第一段告诉我们,因为背包可以装许多东西,所以可以将双手解放出来做其他事情:tofree your hands to do other things。
  2.A第二段的第一句说,Lawrence C.Rome及其同事们发明的这种背包,当背着背包走路时,会有电能产生;该段最后一句告诉我们,背包的这种性能可减少背包的重量,因为不必携带备用电池。
  3.D “springs"在此是弹簧的意思。spring是一个多义词:泉水(A)、春天(B)、弹跳(C)。
  4.B 第四段最后一句的意思是:Rome计划将这种背包商业化,即推向市场。A、C、D在文中均未提到。D的意思是为背包做广告。