1 These are theirmotivesfor doing it
A reasons
B excuses
C answers
D plans
2 The riverwidensconsiderably as it begins to turn west
A twists
B stretches
C broadens
D bends
3 Henry cannot resist thelureof drugs.
A abuse
B flavor
C temptation
D consumption
4 These programmes are ofimmensevalue to old people.
A natural
B fatal
C tiny
D enormous
5 A great deal has been done toremedythe situation
A maintain
B improve
C assess
D protect
6 John iscollaboratingwith Mary in writing an article
A cooperating
B competing
C combining
D arguing
7 He is determined toconsolidatehis power
A strengthen
B control
C abandon
D exercise
8 Many scientists have beeNPRobingpsychological problems
A solving
C settling
B exploring
D handling
9 Hearing problems may bealleviatedby changes in diet and exercise habits
A removed
B cured
C worsened
D relieved
10 And the cars are tested fordefectsbefore leaving the factory
A functions
C motions
B faults
D parts
11 The food isinsufficientfor three people.
A instant
B infinite
C inexpensive
D inadequate
12 Thousands of peopleperishedin the storm.
A died
B suffered
C floated
D scattered
13 But in the end heapprovedof our proposal
A undoubtedly
B certainly
C ultimately
D necessarily
14 For young children,getting dressed is acomplicatedbusiness.
A strange
B complex
C personal
D funny
15 In Britain and many other countriesappraisalis now a tool of management.
A evaluation
B efficiency
C production
D publicity