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  2013年职称<a href=http://www.hxen.net target=_blank class=infotextkey>英语</a>考试卫生类冲刺试卷及答案(2)
  2013年职称<a href=http://www.hxen.net target=_blank class=infotextkey>英语</a>考试卫生类冲刺试卷及答案(2)
  16 On average women lived longer than men 100 years ago.
  A Right
  B Wrong
  C Not mentioned
  17 People now enjoy longer lives for unknown reasons.
  A Right
  B Wrong
  C Not mentioned
  18 A hundred years ago many kids died at an early age.
  A Right
  B Wrong
  C Not mentioned
  19 Poor diets can lead to such diseases as rickets and scurvy.
  A Right
  B Wrong
  C Not mentioned
  20 People in the past preferred standing up to lying down when sleeping.
  A Right
  B Wrong
  C Not mentioned
  21 An Englishman invented the fridge in the 1920s.
  A Right
  B Wrong
  C Not mentioned
  22 Life was not easy for many children living 100 years ago.
  A Right
  B Wrong
  C Not mentioned