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  Where/whereas: 然而, 但是
  e.g. Some people like fat meat, whereas others hate it.
  3. A. 解析:be famous/known/well-known/noted for…因为…而出名
  Some customers(顾客) say that once(一旦, 曾经) the door(门)shuts(关上) and the cab __4__ off(离开, break off中断,完成write off写完) they are a captive(被俘虏的) audience(听众).
  4. A. departs (离开) B. leaves(离开) C. moves(移动, 搬家, 感动) D. takes(拿走,占领,获得 )
  4.C. 解析:能与off 搭配使用的词语只有B,C和D(leave off/停止; move off/离开, take off/脱衣, 起飞), 从空格所在句子说“一些顾客说车门一旦关上, 出租车…, 他们就成了被俘的听众”, 因此判断C(move (off)/离开)是答案。
  It is impossible (不可能的) to get the taxi driver(司机) to stop(停止) __5__.
  5. A. arguing (争论, 辩论) B. saying(说, 讲) C. telling(告诉) D. talking(谈话, 谈论,讲话)
  5.D.解析:空格处应该填入不及物动词,因此排除B和C(及物动词)。 借助前文内容:“英国出租汽车司机却因为愿意谈话而出名”, 判断D(谈话)是答案。
  argue for 赞成;
  argue against 反对
  argue with 与某人议论
  saying n. 格言;谚语;名言
  e.g. There is (有) a saying that behind(在…的后面)every successful(成功的) man(男人) there's a woman(女人).
  “They’re self-confident (自信的)and free thinking(思想自由的),” said Malcolm Linskey, the author(作者) of a history(历史) of taxi drivers in London.
  They are also expensive(昂贵的). London has the most expensive (最昂贵的)taxis of any city in the world except (除了)Tokyo(东京). That’ s why(为什么) Ken Livingstone, the Mayor(市长) of London, is planning to (计划)make taxi drivers negotiate(协商, 谈判) their fares (车票费用)with __6__ before(在…之前) they take a ride/(乘车).
  6. A. customers B. hosts C. guests D. bosses
  7. A. buy B. cost C. sell D. consume来源:和谐英语
  8. A. called B. entitled C. known D. understood
  9. A. to memorize B. memorize C. memorized D. memorizing
  10. A. shortest B. shorter C. shortened D. short
  标准答案: A,B,C,D,A来源:和谐英语
  解析:6. A. customers(顾客) B. hosts(主人) C. guests(客人) D. bosses(老板)
  A.解析:借助空格所在局部结构的语意(市长计划让出租汽车司机先与…协商车费, 然后再让他们上车)判断A(顾客)是答案。
  Drivers (司机)agree(认同) that their fares(车票) are expensive(昂贵的). That’s because(因为) their black(黑色的) taxis __7__ more than other cars, they say. And the customer is also paying for (为…支付钱)a more driving(驾驶的,推进的)expertise(专门技术) than anywhere else (其他的任何地方)in the world(世界上的).
  7. A. buy(买,购买) B. cost (花费(时间, 金钱等), 使失去, 费用) C. sell(卖) D. consume(消耗,消灭)
  7.B.解析:空格所在的句子说“那是因为他们黑色的出租车比其他的车辆…” , 结合该句前一句(司机认同他们的车票贵), 综合判断B(花费(更多))是答案。
  Before(在…之前) someone(有人, 某人) can qualify as (具有作为…的资格)a London taxi driver, that person has to pass(通过) a test(测试) __8__ simply(仅仅, 完全地,朴素地) as “The Knowledge(知识)”.
  8. A. called(呼叫, 称呼, 打电话) B. entitled (授权) C. known(知道, 了解, 认识,) D. understood(理解)
  8.C. 解析:能与介词搭配使用的只有C:(be)known as…/被称作为, 因此C是答案。
  提示:了解单词的习惯搭配结构对提高阅读速度, 并快速从近义词词组中确认答案选项的关键。
  call sb. sth.
  e.g. We'll call the baby(婴儿) David.和谐英语论坛
  entitle vt.(常与to连用)授权(entitle sb. to sth.(授权某人…)/entitle sb. to do sth.(授权某人去做…))
  e.g. Officers(官员) are entitled to travel(旅行)(in)first class(头等舱).
  understand: vt. 理解
  e.g. Then he spoke slowly, but I could not understand him.
  This involves(包括, 使陷入) __9__ the name (名字)and location(位置,场所) of every (每一的,每个的)street (街,街道)within(在…之中) six miles(英里) of a point(任意一点,要点,分数) in the exact (准确地,精密的)center (中心)of London(伦敦).
  9. A. to memorize(记住, 记忆) B. memorize C. memorized D. memorizing
  9.D. 解析:involve是及物动词, 因此需要带名词或动名词结构充当其宾语, 因此D是答案。
  The trainee(培训生) must also(也,同样地) learn(了解, 学习) the exact location of every important(重要的) building (建筑物)within these streets. Finally(最终,最后) he or she must be able to (能够)use(利用) this knowledge (知识)to work out (设计出, 计算出)the __10__ distance(距离) between (在…之间)any two destinations(目的地)within this area(地区,区域,领域).
  10. A. shortest(最短的) B. shorter(更短的) C. shortened(缩短, 使变短) D. short(短的, 矮的)
  10.A. 解析:空格所在的句子说“最终, 他或她必须能够利用这个知识计算出这个地区里任意两点之间的…距离”, 借助常识, 出租车司机应该为乘客找出两个位置(起始站和终止站)之间的最短距离, 因此判断A是答案。
  11. A. spend B. take C. give D. occupy
  12. A. inherited B. sent C. handed D. given
  13. A. roads B. routes C. streets D. lanes
  14. A. constructed B. concentrated C. devoted D. developed
  15. A. surprising B. wondering C. doubting D. suspecting
  标准答案: B,C,B,D,A和谐英语(www.hxen。com)
  解析:It can __11__ up to (直到)three years to pass(通过) “the knowledge”. Every day it is possible(可能的) to see (看见)trainee taxi drivers(司机学员) on the streets of London, taking careful(小心的,仔细的) notes of (记录)popular (受欢迎的, 流行的)destinations (目的地), before (在…之前)tracing(追踪, 追查) the route (路线,通路)to their next(下一个的) stop(车站,停止) .
  11. A. spend (花费,度过) B. take (花费) C. give(给) D. occupy(占据)
  11.B.解析:A和B是近义词, 因此首先重点关注。 句子主语是“非”的it, 因此B更可能是答案, 空格所在的句子说“要花三年的时间通过这种知识的测试”, 句意通顺, 因此B 就是答案。
  It takes/took time/money (for sb.) to do sth./(某人)花…时间/金钱做…
  e.g. It takes a lot of (大量的) money to buy(购买) a house(房子).
  Spend所在句子的主语一定是人,spend的习惯搭配结构为:sb. spend time/money on sth. 或 sb. spend time/money in doing sth. 如:
  How much (多少)money (钱)do you spend each week(每周)?
  I spent an hour(小时)(in) reading(阅读).
  Occupy: 占和谐英语(www.hxen。com)
  occupy space 占空间
  occupy a position 占据职位
  occupy time 占时间
  比较:占(比例)make up/constitute
  e.g. The girls(女孩) make up/constitute 50% in our class.
  Cab driving is a job(工作) often (经常)__12__ down in families(家庭).
  12. A. inherited(继承) B. sent (送) C. handed(传递, 交给) D. given (给, 授予)
  12.C. 解析:能与副词down连用的只有B和C, 空格所在的句子说“开出租车这种工作常常在家庭里….”, 因此判断C((代代)传递/(代代)延续)是答案。
  send down v. 使下降, 把...向下发送
  hand down v. 传递, 传下去和谐英语论坛
  Many(许多的) taxi drivers take their children(孩子) out in their spare (多于的, 剩下的, 备用的) time (空闲时间)to memorize(记住) __13__ they need to (需要)know (知道)when it is their turn(时机,机会,转动, 翻转) to “do the knowledge”.
  13. A. roads (道路, 公路) B. routes (线路, 路程) C. streets (街道) D. lanes(小路, 小巷)
  13.B. 解析:前文中已经出现过route, 因此B很可能是答案(完型部分常见考点:上下文中的用词)。 空格所在的句子说“许多的出租车司机在空闲时间带他们的孩子外出, 以记住当轮到他们参加线路测试时他们需要记住的…”, 根据上文相关内容判断route(线路)是答案。
  The effect(结果, 影响, 实现) of this is to make(使) London cabbies experts at (…方面的专家) their job(工作). They also have bigger brains(智力,大脑). Recent(最近的) research(研究) found(发现) that the part (部分)of the brain that remembers(记住) things(东西, 事情) was larger(更大) and more __14__ in cab drivers.
  14. A. constructed(建造, 构造) B. concentrated(集中(注意力, 思想等) ) C. devoted (投身于, 献身) D. developed(发展, 发达)
  14.D. 解析:空格所在的局部结构说“出租车司机用于记忆事情的大脑会更大, 更…”, 借助常识或参考前文内容(记忆路线的结果是使伦敦的出租车司机在他们的工作上更专业, 他们的大脑也更大)判断D(发达的)是答案。
  They have to fit(安装, 使适应, 使合身) the whole(全部的, 全部) of London into their heads(大脑), so their brains grow bigger. So (因此)perhaps (可能)it is not __15__ that taxi drivers have lots(大量) to say(说).
  15. A. surprising(令人惊讶的, 令人惊讶) B. wondering(觉得奇怪,想知道,感到吃惊的) C. doubting(怀疑的, 怀疑) D. suspecting(令人怀疑,猜想)
  15.A. 解析:空格所在的句子说“因此为什么出租车司机有这么多可说的这一问题就不…了”,因此判断A和B在词义上合适, 但是wonder(想知道, 对…感到惊讶)的逻辑主语只能是“人”,而句子的主语是it (非人), 因此A是答案。(hxen)