1 People fishing on a lake must wait calmly so as not to scare the fish away.
[A] considerately
[B] hungrily
[C] alertly
[D] quietly
2 It’s evident that her handling of them has bruised the peaches.
[A] promulgated
[B] infatuated
[C] damaged
[D] infuriate
3 Maria Chapman, abolitionist and close associate of William Lloyed Garrison, wrote many brochures condemning slavery.
[A] slogans
[B] short poems
[C] sentiments
[D] short pamphlets
4 They got in quite a brawl.
[A] snit
[B] fight
[C] bally
[D] littering
5 The cost of elections in the United States is borne by both the government and the private sector.
[A] known
[B] fought
[C] exposed
[D] assumed