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  1. Who had the greatest influence on people who became obese?
  A) Their friends.
  B) Their neighbours.
  C) Their family members.
  D) Their colleagues.
  2. Which of the following statement about a friend's influence is false according to the report?
  A) Friends had more influence than family members on people who became obese.
  B) Even ifthe friend lives far away, the influence still remained.
  C) People were not likely to lose weight when they have skinny friends.
  D) The greatest influence of all was between close mutual friends.
  3. According to Dr. Nicholas A. Christakis, what is the explanation for friends being the
  greatest influence?
  A) Friends usually spend a lot of time together.
  B) Friends share similar eating habits.
  C) Friends are more important than family members.
  D) Friends affected each others' feelings of fatness.
  4. Which factor of becoming obese is not mentioned in this report?
  A) Social contact.
  B) Genetic information.
  C) Life style.
  D) Environmental influences.
  5. In what way is obesity contagious and epidemic?
  A) Social networks let the obesity spread rapidly.
  B) Individuals have genetically determined ranges of weights.
  C) Obesity can easily spread from one to another without any physical contact.
  D) Obesity can spread rapidly and extensively by infection and affecting many individuals in an area or a population at the same time.
  1. A 本题的答案可以在文章的第四段中找到。第四段中提到研究者发现,当周围朋友发福时,人最容易发胖。而邻居则不会对人产生影响,甚至家庭成员的影响也不如朋友大。至于同事,文章中并没有提到。
  2. C 这道题考察的是朋友如何对肥胖影响。A选项说的是“朋友产生的影响大于家庭成员”,是正确的;B选项也是正确的,因为第五段第一句话提到,即使朋友远在千里之外,这种影响仍然存在;第五段第二句符合D选项的意思:那些关系亲密的共同的朋友产生的影响最大:C选项的意思是, “当有很瘦的朋友时,本人也不可能会变瘦”,这与原文表达的意思是相反的,第六段第一句话就提到,朋友也会对体重减轻产生同样的效果,也就是说,拥有瘦朋友会让体重减轻。
  3. D 第七段和第八段陈述了Dr.Nich01as A.Christakis对于这种现象的解释:朋友之间对于肥胖的感知是互相影响的。如果一个人的亲密好友很胖,那么他对于什么是可接受的体型的态度也会发生改变,肥胖在他看来也不会很令人不快。
  4. C 本题考察的是文中提到的导致人肥胖的因素。第九段和第十段主要分析了社会关系对肥胖的影响,第十一段和第十二段说的是遗传因素,同时也提到环境因素在遗传的基础上对人的体重也起很重要的作用。至于C选项的生活方式,文中并没有提到。
  5. A 本题问的是为什么说肥胖具有传染性。A选项说的是因为社会关系网的原因,肥胖传播的很快,这是文章的本意。而另外C、D两个选项都是平常意义上的“传染”,指疾病可以通过接触而传染或能够在一个地区或人群中迅速广泛地蔓延。B选项与题意无关。