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-okay, let's get started.
-i want to introduce somebody who's been with me for 25 years--george ross.he's my executive vice president and senior council.
-on this side--this is carolyn kepcher.she is the chief operating officer of one of my companies.she is the chief operating officer of one of my companies.
-and carolyn is a killer._______
-__________2________...and will accompany you during your tasks.
-they're gonna help me make a decision...as to who ltimately is going to be working as the president of one of my companies,and then we'll see how you do.
-this isn't a game.this is a 13-week job interview.out of 215,000 job applicants,you're the 1 6 people that i chose to go through 13 weeks of hell...to determine who's gonna work for me at the end.
∷  "拜倒在她石榴裙下",  "他们是我的左右手" 
1. there are many men buried in her wake.
2. these two will be my eyes and ears