BEC剑桥商务英语口语练习 L.305
1.Her net salary last year was $20,000,after paying tax, national insurance and pension contributions.
重点词语:net adj. ①(指金额)净余的,纯粹的,(指重量)净的 ②(指价格)固定的 v.净赚,净获
商务用语:net income 净收入
net loss 净亏损
net price 净价;实价
net profit 净利;纯收益
2.The company operates nationwide through its network of agents and contacts.
重点词语:network n.①网络联系 ②联系网路 v.联络
商务用语:set up a network 建立网络
interlocking network 连锁网络
commerce network 商业网
commercial storage transportation network 商业储运网
3.He found the right niche for himself.
重点词语:niche n.①适当的位置 ②专业市场中的小摊位
商务用语:a niche in the temple of fame 流芳百世,不朽的名誉
4.The legal notices are on page 10 of today's newspaper.
重点词语:notice n.①通知,布告,启事 ②预先通知,事先声明 ③离职通知,解职通知
商务用语:note notice 票据到期通知书
cancellation notice 保险单注销通知
a notice of a call 催缴股款通知书
notice of tax payment 纳税通知书
5.It it important for us to meet our objectives.
重点词语:objective n.宗旨,目标
商务用语:objective reality 客观现实
an objective description 客观如实的描绘
achieve an objective 实现目标
set out an objective 阐明目标
重点词语:net adj. ①(指金额)净余的,纯粹的,(指重量)净的 ②(指价格)固定的 v.净赚,净获
商务用语:net income 净收入
net loss 净亏损
net price 净价;实价
net profit 净利;纯收益
2.The company operates nationwide through its network of agents and contacts.
重点词语:network n.①网络联系 ②联系网路 v.联络
商务用语:set up a network 建立网络
interlocking network 连锁网络
commerce network 商业网
commercial storage transportation network 商业储运网
3.He found the right niche for himself.
重点词语:niche n.①适当的位置 ②专业市场中的小摊位
商务用语:a niche in the temple of fame 流芳百世,不朽的名誉
4.The legal notices are on page 10 of today's newspaper.
重点词语:notice n.①通知,布告,启事 ②预先通知,事先声明 ③离职通知,解职通知
商务用语:note notice 票据到期通知书
cancellation notice 保险单注销通知
a notice of a call 催缴股款通知书
notice of tax payment 纳税通知书
5.It it important for us to meet our objectives.
重点词语:objective n.宗旨,目标
商务用语:objective reality 客观现实
an objective description 客观如实的描绘
achieve an objective 实现目标
set out an objective 阐明目标