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CORPORATION and Chicago Clothiers, Inc., U.S.A, whose major product is textile.
·.Writing steps as follows:
information sources  →   desire to start business  →  self-introduction and materials offered  →
asking for goods details about the partner → hoping to keep in touch
2) Structure and style:
.·A complete business letter containing the major elements such as:
Heading, Dateline, Reference Number, Inside Address, Salutation, Subject Line, Body, Complimentary Close,
Company Signature, Signer’s Identification, Reference Initials, Enclosure → well-knit
·Alternate in long and short sentences → to avoid monotony.
·By employing pronouns  both“you” and“we” → very natural
·Using“we” instead of“I” → speaking for the company , not just for the writer himself
·Lexical terms such as: “commencement”, “herewith” and passive voice → formal in style
·Concise and correct in expression and courtesyin tone and attitude
. Assignment-3
1) 商会
2) 业务伙伴
3) 经营状况良好
4) 信得过的企业
5) 有利地位
6) 在…开设帐户; 与….建立业务往来