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                    Spain as a reward for doing a good job, because they will simply eat too much and flop onto a beach. . 10

            Britain because of stress, ten times as many as are lost 10 industrial disputes.

            PART THREE

          of CVs in my time. They are not necessarily the bland documents some bosses might think they are! They are full of little pointers towards individuals personalities and suitability for the job. The first thing I always look at is an applicant s employment record. I check for continuity and stability. If somebody has a long list of previous jobs, all of varying length, alarm bells start ringing. Rather than an irregular route from job to job, what I hope to see is stable career progression. What does their career path look like - is it all steps forward, or are there a lot of sideways moves? And I am always pleased to find a family person with children, because in my experience they tend to be responsible and reliable.

                                                                       PART FOUR