1、 标准的行文,应分成5部分:题目(report on:)介绍(instruction)正文(findinds)结论(conclusion)建议(recommendation)。
2、 题目通常要求use all your handwritten notes,那么一条都不能漏下。
3、 既然是分析,措辞要注意。你非常肯定的地方就用肯定的情态词,比如obvious,不肯定的千万不要想当然,多给自己留点余地,比如possible。
4、 题目通常都帮你把逻辑和计算部分点明白了,写这种大作文,人家不是考你逻辑,而是看你的语言和结构。因此,怎样排列写作顺序,以及怎样用一句话串联两到三个点,是比较重要部分。
范文也是严格按照写作要求写的: Report on the most effective advertisment
This report aims to assess methods of advertising on how customers learnt about Norlec and find a most effective way for future promotion.
Radio is the key way which make our company to the public.It covers 40% of the whole given in the survey.It is followed by magazine(24%),billboard(17%),website(10%) and direct mail(9%).The figure on website is expected to increase due to the popularity of computers.There are not many people read our brochures,therefore direct mail fails to achieve its goals.
We also did a survey on annual advertising costs.$120,000(the highest) has put on radio each year.It is of good value for the reason that radio is still our best channel for progandizing.We are surprised that we invest $105,000(the second) on billboard which only covers 17%.Since price will increase soon,it is recommened stopping to lower the costs.Magazines($45,000) and website($25,000) costs less,but achieve more on progandizing.
Maganzine is a relative effective way of advertising.Billboard costs a lot and will fall to increase promotions.
Maganzine is recommened for its effective and less-costs.We should try more maganzines to make its fuction maxmize.
1、 标准的行文,应分成5部分:题目(report on:)介绍(instruction)正文(findinds)结论(conclusion)建议(recommendation)。
2、 题目通常要求use all your handwritten notes,那么一条都不能漏下。
3、 既然是分析,措辞要注意。你非常肯定的地方就用肯定的情态词,比如obvious,不肯定的千万不要想当然,多给自己留点余地,比如possible。
4、 题目通常都帮你把逻辑和计算部分点明白了,写这种大作文,人家不是考你逻辑,而是看你的语言和结构。因此,怎样排列写作顺序,以及怎样用一句话串联两到三个点,是比较重要部分。
范文也是严格按照写作要求写的: Report on the most effective advertisment
This report aims to assess methods of advertising on how customers learnt about Norlec and find a most effective way for future promotion.
Radio is the key way which make our company to the public.It covers 40% of the whole given in the survey.It is followed by magazine(24%),billboard(17%),website(10%) and direct mail(9%).The figure on website is expected to increase due to the popularity of computers.There are not many people read our brochures,therefore direct mail fails to achieve its goals.
We also did a survey on annual advertising costs.$120,000(the highest) has put on radio each year.It is of good value for the reason that radio is still our best channel for progandizing.We are surprised that we invest $105,000(the second) on billboard which only covers 17%.Since price will increase soon,it is recommened stopping to lower the costs.Magazines($45,000) and website($25,000) costs less,but achieve more on progandizing.
Maganzine is a relative effective way of advertising.Billboard costs a lot and will fall to increase promotions.
Maganzine is recommened for its effective and less-costs.We should try more maganzines to make its fuction maxmize.
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