training n. the process of training or being trained; instruction correspondence n. the act of exchanging letters 通信 correspondence course n. an educational course in which instruction and work are exchanged between the teacher and student by post 函授课程 formally ad. according to proper rules or lawful forms 正式地 formal a. qualify vt. make fit or competent for a special purpose 使具有资格 enrol(l)ment n. the number of people who have registered themselves as members of a school, a program, etc.; registering 注册人数,注册,登记 enrol(l) v. 注册,登记 motel n. a roadside hotel providing overnight lodging for motorists 汽车旅馆 frantic a. wildly anxious, afraid, happy, etc. acre n. 英亩 addition n. the act of adding 加,加法 full-time a. occupying all normal working hours typewriter n. 打字机 keyboard n. the set of keys on a typewriter, piano, etc. 键盘 junk n. old useless things 破烂,垃圾 tap n. a short light blow 轻叩 midnight n. the middle of the night 午夜 ecstatic a. marked by a state of overwhelming emotion, esp. great joy 欣喜若狂的 drawn a. (of the face) looking very tired or worried or tense 憔悴的;紧张的 respond vi. act in answer to the action of another; answer dad n. (colloq.) father evenly ad. calmly, peacefully even a. primarily ad. mainly; chiefly embarrassment n. a feeling of shyness, shame or guilt index n. sign or indication 指数,指标 pressure n. a constraining influence upon the mind (心理上的)压力 tension n. (a feeling of) nervous anxiety, worry, on pressure 紧张 arrival n. the act of arriving rack vt. shake violently 猛力摇动 vulnerability n. being liable to be damaged or hurt 易受伤性;脆弱性 vulnerable a. dry goods(AmE) cloth, ribbons, laces, curtains and similar textile fabrics 织物尖商品 session n. a meeting or period of time devoted to a particular activity 会议;(从事某项活动的)一段时间 journalist n. a person whose profession is writing for, editing, or publishing newspaper or magazines, a reporter 新闻工作者,记者 memento n. sth. which reminds one of a holiday, a friend, etc. 纪念品 cranky a. (of a machine) shaky; mal on guard ready to defend or protect; watchful 警惕,提防 in tears crying hold back control; make (sth.) stay in place 抑制,阻止 go on take place or happen go ahead make progress; advance
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