sink in get a firm place in the mind; become fully understood get over believe; learn to live with the shock of (sth. Very surprising or shocking) set one's sight for aim for, wish to get or win cheer up become hopeful, joyous or glad; stop being sad or discouraged at present at this time; now what with as a result of (used to introduce the reasons for a particular situation, esp. an undesirable one) be preoccupied by/with have the mind fixed on sth., esp. sth. worrying so that no attention is paid to anything else make the best of do as well as one can with come one's way happen to one Proper Names Sylvia Plath西尔维亚。普拉斯 Belmont贝尔蒙特 Cape Cod科德角 Mademoiselle《小姐》杂志 Minton明顿 Marley马莉 the Atlantic《大西洋》月刊 Henry亨利 Liz莉兹 Harvard Law (School) 哈佛大学法学院 Clark克拉克 T.S. Eliot T.S. 艾略特
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