




① 分词,主要是现在分词和过去分词的误用,如: a puzzled question → a puzzling question ; an exciting girl → an excited girl 等。

② 动词非谓语形式做主语、宾语,有时需要 it 作形式主语或形式宾语。如: This is no good arguing with him.(This → it )


The idea that learn a foreign language is hard                                 1.__________

work is realized by every  student.


分析句子结构可知:the idea是主语;is realized是谓语部分;that引导同位语从句。从句中learn a foreign language是主语,而learn是动词形式,应改为动名词“learning”。



From these unearthed bones scientists are able

to reconstruct the skeleton of the animal and from

the reconstructing skeleton, they can obtain quite                          1.__________

a good idea of its appearance.


“reconstructing”表示正在进行的动作,而根据原句可知,“skeleton”本身并不能发出这个动作,而应该为“reconstructed”,意为“the skeleton that is reconstructed”,这是过去分词作为定语。



Lighthouses are set up to warn the passed ships                            1.__________

of the dangers along the coast. Ancient people used

simple fire signal which could only mean “Danger!

Keep off”.


“passed ships”表示“已经过去的船只”,当然不可能再给予警告,这不符合逻辑,应该改为passing,意为“过往的船只”,此处现在分词作定语。



But modern lighthouse also identifies itself in a

code knowing to all ships that pass by. Most of the                         1.__________

modern lighthouses have a revolving light that is

red and then green.


根据句意可知,这些代码所有的船只都知道,即“a code which is known to all ships”的省略形式,“knowing”表示“正在知道,了解”这个动作过程,显然不符合题意,故应该将knowing改为known。





1 Judging by today’s standards the techniques applied                    1.__________

to the construction of these ancient palaces are highly



2 TV has become an essential part of our daily life,

keeping us informed of the news of the day. Comparing                   2.__________

with other media of information and education, TV is

almost unrivalled.


3 The characters being described in this TV play are                        3.__________

very true to life, which may be the reason why it

touched a nation of audience.


4 There are a great many places of interest in this                          

city. But the major attraction is a recently built

hotel which resembles a sailing ship when seeing                            4.__________
from a distance. No travelers leave the city without

visiting it.


5 The building built now at our school is the new                             5.__________



6 A lighthouse must be high enough for its light

to see far away, but if it is too high, it has more                              6.__________

possibility to be destroyed by high wind; so it is

not always true to say that the higher it is the better.


7 Consider the great need for improving many                                7.__________

aspects of the global environment, one is surely

justified in his concern for the money and resources

that are poured into the space exploration efforts.


8 The small college, however, generally provides

a limited number of courses and specializations,

but offers a better student-faculty radio, thus permit                      8.__________

individualized attention to students.


9 The way space is used to enable the individual

to achieve privacy, to build homes or designing                               9.__________       

cities is culturally influenced.


10 But the fourth robber put him quite beside himself

by approaching him and asked what the dog                                  10.__________

cost him.



1.本题中应该将Judging改为Judged。该句主语为“the techniques”,其本身不能做出“judging”,而只能是“be judged”,原句的结构实际上是“when it is judged by today’s standards”的省略模式,所以应该将Judging改为Judged。注意首字母要大写。

2.本题中应该将comparing改为compared。“comparing”表示主语所发出的动作,与其他事物进行比较,而根据句意,是将TV与其他媒体进行,所以应该是被动语态,完整结构是“when it is compared with other media of…”。



4.本题中应该将seeing改为seen。原句的意思是“宾馆从远处看象一只航行中的船”,其完整结构是“…when it is seen from a distance”,船本身并不能发生“seeing”动作,只能是被动语态,故用seen。


6.本题中应该将see改为be seen。根据句意,“灯塔必须足够高,以使其灯光可以从远处看见”,完整的结构是“…to be seen by ships far away”。

7.本题中应该将consider改为considering。在此句中,前部分“Consider the great need for improving many aspects of the global environment,”实为条件状语,完整结构为“If one consider… environment,”,其省略形式为将其谓语动词变为现在分词形式。


9.本题中应该将designing改为design。此句中design承接前面不定式结构,省略介词to,实际上为“to build homes or to design cities”。
