第一天:了解改错 第二天;认识词汇错误 第三天:认识语法错误(一) 第四天:认识语法错误(二) 第五天:认识逻辑错误 第六天:改错考前小贴士 第一天:了解改错 1、题材熟悉 一般选自英美有关科技(以科普为主)、社科、人文方面的 考生略知其内容的原文。议论文为主,很少有描写性质的文学作品。 2、语言规范 无俚语和生僻的行话,很少引用人物对话。 3、难度适中 一般文章长度为200字左右,几乎全部属于大纲规定的初、中级词汇。每一标有题号的行,字数一般不超过10个。词汇量低于试卷其它部分的要求,偶见超纲词但有汉语释意。语言的难度,如语法、句子结构也稍低于试卷其它部分,但错误部分的难度较大。 4、每标题号行有且仅有一处错误,未标题号行无错误 5、无印刷、标点及拼写错误 6、重点明确 三种改错方式,即替换、添加、删除 之中,以替换为主,其出现的频率最高。 7、正确答案一定 是简洁、直接、对应的 也就是说 答案一定是简单明了,直截了当,与错的那个词相对应的。 如:He was hired due to his quarrel with his boss. 通过分析,容易发现 这句话要表达的逻辑含义与hired 所能表达的意思恰恰相反,如果改为dismissed 固然说得通;但fired 一词才来得最直接,对应;其刚好是 hired 对应的反义词,最佳的满足了原句的要求。 大家一起来做套题练习一下,怎样?做的不对没关系,只要经过自己的思考就是好的~ Candy希望奖励认真参与的沪友,每人60沪元(不过这个功能Candy不大懂怎么用,还请版主指点Candy~~) 六级很快就要考试了,希望大家可以认真对待,Candy会和各位一起努力的~~ Until the very latest moment of his existence, man has been bound to the planet on which he originated and developed. Now he had the capability to leave that planet 71.________ and move out into the universe to those worlds which he has known previously only directly. Men have explored parts of 72.________ the moon, put spaceships in orbit around another planet and possibly within the decade will land into another planet and 73.________ explore it. Can we be too bold as to suggest that we may be 74.________ able to colonize other planet within the not - too - distant 75.________ future ? Some have advocated such a procedure as a solution to the population problem. ship the excess people off to the moon. But we must keep in head the billions of dollars we 76.________ might spend in carrying out the project. To maintain the earth's population at its present level. we would have to blast off into space 7,500 people every hour of every day of the year. Why are we spending so little money on space 77.________ exploration ? Consider the great need for improving many 78.________ aspects of the global environment, one is surely justified in his concern for the money and resources that they are poured 79.________ into the space exploration efforts. But perhaps we should look at both sides of the coin before arriving hasty 80.________ conclusion. ---------------------------------------------