

  We Need to Broaden Our Knowledge
  Science and technology contributes a lot to the social development. Broadening our knowledge, we can use it to change our living environment, utilize natural resource, and create a beautiful and comfortable world for people to live in.
  Both social science and natural science are important in our life. Man achieves social science through social life, which makes people know more about the society and themselves. It teaches people what the society should be and what they should do for the future.
  As college students, we should learn as many kinds of knowledge as possible so that we can improve our life and society as well. Without rich knowledge, we can’t serve the society well. In order to meet the future needs, it is very important for us to learn more knowledge at the universities.
  A. 低水平重复用词:在文章的写作中,我们常会有这样的表现,遇见表示喜欢,就只会用like,其实还有很多表示喜欢的词,不要浪费它们:prefer/enjoy/love/appreciate等等。还有在表达个人看法的时候,用来用去都是I think,其实I suppose/I guess/personally speaking,多样化的用词绝对可以提高你的得分率。英文报纸里可以找到你要的又新又实用的词汇。我记得我六级考试作文是关于面试的,我在里面写了这样一句话:A successful interview is win—winone for both job—hunter and enaployer.成功的面试对于顾主和求职者而言是双赢的。相信这样的用词一定会给老师一个好印象。
  a.Traffic accidents are invited by careless driving.
  b.Careless driving invites traffic accidents.
  c.Anyone who drives carelessly is to invite traffic accidents.
  d.Traffic accidents are what careless driving invites.
  e.The fact that you drive carelessly invites traffic accidents.
  A.说明原因的句型:a.There are some/two/many good reasons for/to do something.
  e.g:a.There are two good reasons for the changes in the way that people communicate with each other.b.The reason for…is that
  B.表示不同看法的句型:Some believe that…others argue that…still others maintain that…
  eg:a.Some people hold the opinion that it i8 hood to live with parents.b.They
  differ greatly in their attitude towards pollution problem.
  a.There is no doubt that…
  b.It is obvious/clear that…
  c.As is known to all…
  d.It goes without saying that…
  e.What is more important…
  f.I am convinced that….
  D.举例表示法:for.example,for instance,let’s shave an example,a good case in point…
  a.According to the figures given in the table…
  b.This chart shows that…
  c.As is shown by the graph…
  d.It can be seen from the statistics that…
  e.There is a slight/slow/rapid rise/increase、decrease/fall/drop in income/population/price/production…
  3、wonderful ending,happy ending
  2)以提问的方式结束。这是比较自信的写法,因为你认为你一定能说服对方接受你的观点,因此明知故问,留有回味的感觉。如:As the reason listed above。why don’t you choose the public school for your child?
  3)展望式结语。一般是针对目前需要改进或还没有实现的事情或事物提出一种希望。如:In a word,TV adver.tisement,I think,is a newborn thing in the development 0f our economy.Of course,there is much room for improvement in TV ads,but I believe the TV ads will benefits both the advertisers and consumers.
  4)口号式结语。对问题分析完之后,提出一种解决方法以供读者参考,或是提出一种号召。这种结尾方法比较有感染力。如:Open your heart to your friends so that whether they are similar to or different from you.you may become the happiest man in the world.
  as a consequence,…
  in short.I firmly support the view that…
  in a word…
  in general…
  as far as I am concerned…
  I am sure my opinion is both sound and well grounded.
  结尾的写作要起到画龙点睛的作用,所以结尾的方法也不是惟一的,可以是两种以上方法的综合,这样使你的结尾更有分量。Wonderful ending,happy ending!不是让你写个喜剧结局,而是说当你写完精彩的结尾后,考试的结果对你而言应该是个happy ending!