

  1. 根据前面的动词来确定需选的名词。
  2. 如果选择项的名词在句中处于主语的位置,则可根据后面的谓语动词来判断正确答案。
  3. 如果空档处的名词前有定语修饰,则常可仅根据该修饰搭配关系确定正确答案。
  4. 有时,也可根据所选名词的后续修饰搭配关系来确定正确答案,这类后续修饰成分包括一般的介词短语或定语从句等。
  5. 有时,后续的介词是与名词的固定搭配。这时确定哪个是正确答案就更为容易。
  6. 还有的时候,名词的后续修饰成份是某些名词特有的动词不定式短语或同位语从句。
  7. 有些名词题涉及与该名词有关的成语,是某一固定成语的一部分,考生只要熟悉该成语,选取答案非常简单。
  例1.I think that I committed a_____in asking her because she seemed very upset by my question.
  A. blunder B. revenge C. reproach D. scandal
  本题的四个选项中,只有 A. blunder能与动词commit搭配。又如下例中与动词make搭配的只有 D. distinction.
  2.We should make a clear____between the two scientific terms for the purpose of our discussion.
  A. separation B. discrimination C. deviation D. distinction
  3.The West is traditionally the land of the pioneers and the cowboys where____could be easily made in cattle or land.
  A. fortunes B. property C. opportunities D. treasure
  本例中,正确答案为 A. fortunes与作谓语的could be made构成搭配,意为“发大财,赚大钱”。
  4.Stop shouting. I can't hear the football____.
  A. judgement B. interpretation C. commentary D. explanation
  本题中,根据football即可选 C. commentary,意为“足球比赛的解说”。
  5.In the Spring Export Commodities Fair the____of fine china attracted much attention of customers from all over the world.
  A. succession B. array C. string D. procession
  题中,根据of fine china(瓷器),当选 B. array为正确答案,表示“一大批排放整齐的精制瓷器”;而 A. succession表示“一个紧跟着一个的一列”;C. string表示“一串”;D. procession则表示“队伍的一列”。
  6.Some fish have a greater____for acid water than others.
  A. tolerance B. resistance C. dependence D. persistence
  题中四个名词分别有各自特定的介词搭配:tolerance for、resistance to、dependence on和persistence in,由此即可知答案为A.
  7.It is very strange but I had an____that the plane would crash.
  A. inspiration B. intuition C. imagination D. incentive
  8.They tossed your thoughts back and forth for over an hour, but still could make____of them.
  A. impression B. comprehension C. meaning D. sense
  题中make sense of 是一成语,意为“弄懂、理解”,虽然B. comprehension和C. meaning的有“理解”、“意思”等义,但都不与make搭配,不能选。