



  英语中由“动词+ 介词to”构成的动词短语数量很大,而在四级考试中,经常被测试到的此类动词短语也很多,可分为两类:

  1.“实义动词+ 介词to”结构

  adapt to……(适应于……)

  devote…… to ……(专心于,致力于)

  add …… to ……(增加,添加)

  entitle …… to ……(给……权利、资格等)

  adhere to ……(追随,依附,坚持)

  expose…… to ……(暴露在……之下)

  adjust to ……(调整,调节)

  lead to ……(导致……,招致……)

  amount to ……(达到;意味着)

  object to ……(反对)

  appeal to ……(恳求;呼吁)

  owe …… to ……(欠……;对……负有……)

  apply to……(应用,运用;向……申请)

  react to……(对……做出反应)

  attach…… to ……(系上,附加于,使附属)

  refer to……(论及,参照;委托)

  attend to ……(倾听;照顾,料理)

  resort to ……(诉诸于……)

  attribute to……(把……归因于,认为是……的结果)

  respond to……(……做出反应)

  belong to ……(属于)

  see to……(负责,留意,照料)

  compare ……to……(与……比较;将……比作为) stick to ……(坚持)

  confess to……(坦白,坦承)

  subject …… to ……(使遭受……,使蒙受……)

  conform to……(顺从,与……一致)

  turn to ……(翻到;向……求助)

  contribute to ……(有助于,促使)

  yield to……(屈服于)……


  (1 ) This is the nurse who ________ to me when I was in hospital.(CET-4 , 03.6 ,52)

  A. entertained B. accompanied

  C. attended D. shielded

  (2 ) I would never have ________ a court of law if I hadn't been so desperate. (CET-4 ,02.6,66)

  A. sought for B. accounted for

  C. turned up D. resorted to

  (3 ) He ________ to his customers and halved the price. (CET-4 ,02.1,65)

  A. leaked B. yielded

  C. drew D. quoted

  (4 ) Eating too much fat can ________ heart disease and cause high blood pressure. (CET-4 , 01.6 ,55)

  A. attribute to B. attend to

  C. contribute to D. devote to

  (5 ) I didn't know the word. I had to ________ a dictionary.(CET-4,00.6,35)

  A. look out B. make out

  C. refer to D. go over

  (6 ) The man in the corner confessed to ________ a lie to the manager of the company. (CET-4 , 97.6 ,58)

  A. have told B. be told

  C. being told D. having told

  (7 ) Because Edgar was convinced of the accuracy of this fact ,he ________ his opinion.(CET-4 , 97.6 ,60)

  A. struck at B. strove for

  C. stuck to D. stood for

  (8 ) There is hardly an environment on earth ________ some species of animal or other has not adapted successfully.(CET-4 ,94.6,53)

  A. to which B. wherever

  C. so that D. as to

  (9 ) The manager assured the customer that his complaint would be seen ________ immediately.(CET-4 , 93.1 ,70)

  A. to B. at C. on D. with

  (10) Police have ________ to the public to come forward with any information which might help them in their inquiries. (CET-4 ,90.6,44)

  A. urged B. claimed

  C. appealed D. called

  (11) Is it advisable to ________ our body to the sunlight ?(CET-4,90.6,62)

  A. reveal B. display

  C. expose D. show

  2.“be+ 过去分词 /形容词 +to”结构

  be addicted to……(对……上瘾)

  be opposed to ……(反对)

  be attached to……(附属于)

  be subject to ……(易遭……的;以……为条件的)

  be due to ……(归功于……,因为……)

  be used /accustomed to……(习惯于……)

  be objected to……(反对)……


  (12) The committee is totally opposed ________ any changes being made in the plans.(CET-4 , 99.1 ,61)

  A. of B. on C. to D. against

  (13) Although punctual himself, the professor was quite used ________ late for his lecture. (CET-4 , 98.1 ,31)

  A. to have students

  B. for students' being

  C. for students to be

  D. to students' being

  (14) The match was cancelled because most of the members ________ a match without a standard court. (CET-4 , 91.6 ,48)

  A. objected to having

  B. were objected to have

  C. objected to have

  D. were objected to having