




      261 in one’s way/in the way妨碍,阻碍

  262 in order to为了

  263 in order 整齐,恰当

  264 in particular 尤其,特别;

  265 in perspective 关系恰当地,观察合理地;

  266 in point of 说到,关于

  267 in question 对......表示 怀疑,有疑问

  268 in reference to 关于,就......而论;

  269 in regard to关于

  270 in relation to 关于,至于;

  271 in reply to 作为回答;

  272 in response to 作为对......的回答,作为对......的反应;

  273 in return for 作为对┄的汇报/交换;

  274 in short 总之,简言之;

  275 in spite of尽管;

  276 in terms of 用┄的话;从......方面来说;

  277 in the analysis of 在对……进行分析时

  278 in the bargain 此外,还

  279 in the case of 至于┄,就┄来说;就…而论

  280 in the company of 陪伴,伴随 ;

  281 in the course of 在……过程中,在……期间

  282 in the end最后

  283 in the event of 万一发生;

  284 in the form of以┄形状,以┄形式;

  285 in the light of鉴于,由于;

  286 in the process of 在┄的过程中;

  287 in time后来渐渐,终于 ;

  288 in turn 依次地,反过来;

  289 in vain徒劳

  290 in whole 整个地

  291 infuse … into注入

  292 insist on坚持,一定要

  293 instead of 代替

  294 interest in对……的兴趣

  295 irrespective of不顾的,不考虑的;

  296 isolate …from 使......与......隔离;使孤立 ;

  297 it used to be 过去的情况是......

  298 join in 参加(某种活动);

  299 lay emphasis on 强调;

  300 lay/put blame on责怪,归咎于

  301 lead off 开始;

  302 lead on 继续引领;

  303 lead out 开始;

  304 lead to 导致;

  305 less than 不如,少于

  306 link together联系在一起

  307 long before早在┄之前,很久以前

  308 look on旁观,观看

  309 loyal to忠诚于

  310 make a step 走一步

  311 make for 有助于,有利于;

  312 make one’s way前进,行进

  313 make out 弄懂;辨认,开出(支票,药方等)

  314 make sure 查明,弄确实;

  315 make towards朝......走去

  316 make way开路,让路

  317 mean by......的意思,......意味着

  318 more......than比......更......,与其说......不如说......,不是......而是

  319 more than不仅,不止;多于…

  320 much as(虽然,尽管)表让步;

  321 no less......than和......一样......,既......又......

  322 no more......than既不会......也不会......

  323 not......but......不是......而是......

      324 in one’s view根据......观点
