
大学英语六级词汇练习 20

  1. Executives of the company enjoyed an________lifestyle of free gifts ,fine wines and high salaries.
  A exquisite
  B estravagant
  C exotic
  D eccentric
  2. If you want to get into that tunnel,you first have to ______away all the rocks.
  A haul
  B repel
  C dispose
  D snatch
  3. Some crops are relatively high yielders and couble be planted in preference to others to ______the food supply.
  A enhanse
  B curb
  C disrupt 
  D heighten
  4. Astronomers at the universities of California discovered on of the most distant_______ .
  A paradoxes
  B paradises
  C galaxies
  D shuttles
  5. Many great scientists______their success to hard work.
  A portray
  B ascribe
  C impart
  D acknowledge  答案
  exquisite 精美的精致的;敏锐的;剧烈的感觉强烈的
  estravagant 奢侈的 过度的 言行放肆的
  exotic 奇异的 异国情调的
  eccentric 古怪的   
  2.如果你想进入那个地道,首先要拖走所有的岩石 【A】
  haul 拖 拉;用车等托运
  repel 击退 逐回 驱除;使厌恶;排斥
  dispose 解决 除掉
  snatch 夺走  
  A enhanse 提高( 可与表示具体事物的名词具体搭配)
  B curb 控制约束
  C disrupt 使中断 扰乱
  D heighten 提高 (与表示抽象的事物搭配)  
  A paradoxes 似是而非的隽语; 自相矛盾的人或事物
  B paradises 天堂 乐园   C galaxies 星系 ; 一群(杰出的或著名的人物)
  D shuttles 航天飞机  
  A portray 描写描绘
  B ascribe ascribe A to B吧A归因于B 把A归属于B 与句意相符
  C impart 告知透漏 ;赋予给与
  D acknowledge 确认 ; 承认 告知收到