
大学英语六级词汇练习 23

  1 .He tried to hide his______patch by sweeping his hair over to one side.
  A) barren C) bald
  B) bare D) bleak
   2 . The old couple now stil______for their beloved son, 30 years after his death.
  A) cherish C) immerse
  B) groan D) mourn
   3 . Coffee is the______of this district and brings local farmers a lot of money.
  A) majority C) spice
  B) staple D) elite
   4 . Before we move, we should______some of the old furniture, so that we can have more room in the new house.
  A) discard C) cancel
  B) dissipate D) conceal
   5 . You cannot imagine how I feel______with my duties sometimes.
  A) overflowed C) overwhelmed
  B) overthrown D) overturned
  barren 不结子的 不毛的 计划无结果的 思想等贫乏的 无聊的
  bare 赤裸裸的 空的 ;刚刚够得 勉强的
  bald 无毛的 秃头的 磨光的 不加掩饰的
  bleak 风吹雨打的 阴冷的 凄惨的
  cherish 珍惜 爱护 
  groan 呻吟 苦恼 烦闷
  immerse 沉浸 给……施浸礼
  mourn 悲伤 悲叹
  majority 大多数的
  staple 主要产品 订书钉 主食
  spice 香料
  elite 上层人士 掌权人物
  discard 放弃抛弃
  dissipate 消散 驱散
  cancel 取消
  conceal 隐藏
  overflow 泛滥 淹没 与with连用 充满 洋溢
  overthrow 推翻 使终止 
  overwhelm 使不知所措使受不了 be overwhelmed with 受不了 不知所措
  overturn 使翻转 颠覆