

  ●. The boxer ______ and almost fell when his opponent hit him.
  A) staggered
  C) scattered
  B) shattered
  D) stamped
  ●. In mountainous regions, much of the snow that falls is ______ into ice.
  A) dispersed
  C) compiled
  B) embodied
  D) compacted
  ●. These continual ______ in temperature make it impossible to decide what to wear.
  A) transitions
  C) exchanges
  B) transformations
  D) fluctuations
  ●. The post-World War II baby resulted in a 43 percent increase in the number of teenagers ______ in the 1960s and 1970s.
  A) boost
  C) production
  B) boom
  D) prosperity
  ●. Elisabeth did not enter the museum at once, but ______ in the courtyard.
  A) resided
  C) lingered
  B) dwelled
  D) delayed
  ●. 被对手击中时,那个拳击手摇摇晃晃,差点儿摔倒。【A】
  stagger 摇晃 蹒跚 使吃惊
  shatter 使粉碎 砸碎
  scatter 撒播 驱散 分散
  stamp 踩踏 stamp up 踩灭 消灭
  disperse 使疏散 使散开
  embody 使具体化 体现
  compile 汇集编辑 搜集
  compact 把……弄紧 压实
  transition 转变 变迁 过渡期
  transformation 转变 变形
  exchange 交换 兑换
  fluctuation 波动变动
  ●.二战后的婴儿出生高峰导致20世纪六七十年代青少年人数增长了43% 。【B】
  boost 提高 增长;推动激励
  boom 激增 baby boom为固定搭配 婴儿出生高峰
  production 生产 产量;产品 提供
  prosperity 兴旺繁荣
  ●.Elisabeth 没有马上走进博物馆,而是在院子逗留了一会儿。【C】
  reside 和 dwell都有居住的意思
  linger 逗留徘徊
  delay 耽搁延误