

  ●. Susan has________the elbows of her son’s jacket with leather patches to make it more durable.
  A) reinforced
  B) sustained
  C) steadied
  D) confirmed
  ●. Although we tried to concentrate on the lecture, we were________by the noise form the next room.
  A) distracted
  B) displaced
  C) dispersed
  D) discarded
  ●. The reason why so many children like to eat this new brand of biscuit is that it is particularly sweet and________.
  A) fragile
  B) feeble
  C) brisk
  D) crisp
  ●. Don’t trust the speaker any more, since the remarks he made in his lectures are never________with the facts.
  A) symmetrical
  B) comparative
  C) compatible
  D) harmonious
  ●. They had to eat a(n)________ meal, or they would be too late for the concert.
  A) temporary
  B) hasty
  C) immediate
  D) urgent
  reinforce 增强 加强
  sustain 保持 继续下去
  steady 使平稳 稳定
  confirm 证实 肯定 进一步确定  
  distract 转移注意力 使分心
  displace 取代 代替;迫使……离开家园
  disperse 使分开 散开
  discard 丢弃 抛弃
  fragile 易碎的 易损坏的
  feeble 虚弱的 衰弱的
  brisk 轻快地 生气勃勃的 兴隆的
  crisp 脆的  
  symmetrical 对称的
  comprarative 比较的 相对的
  compatible 与 with搭配 与……相符 兼容的
  harmonious 和谐的 协调的
  temporary 临时的 暂时的
  hasty 急速的 匆忙的 ;草率的 轻率地
  immediate 立即的 即刻的
  urgent 紧急的 急迫的