

  Even though he was guilty, the __________ judge did not send him to prison.
  A) merciful
  B) impartial
  C) conscientious
  D) conspicuous
  注:1. merciful 仁慈的
  theme 主题
  supreme 最高的,至高无上的
  scheme 计划
  schema 图解
  2. impartial 公正的,不偏不倚的
  partial 偏袒的
  smile 微笑
  open 思想上的敞开
  forward 身体前倾
  touch 语言上的共鸣
  eye contact 目光接触
  nod 点头,认可,同意
  3. conscientious 有责任心的,有良知的
  conscience 良知
  4. conspicuous 明显的,显著的
  suspicious 怀疑的
  The education ______ for the coming year is about $4 billion, which is much more than what people expected.
  A) allowance
  B) reservation
  C) budget
  D) finance
  注:1. budget 预算(六级最爱)
  2. allowance 津贴,补助,许可
  3. reservation 订房间,保留 make a reservation
  They had fierce __________ as to whether their company should restore the trade relationship which was broken year ago.
  A) debate
  B) clash
  C) disagreement
  D) contest
  注:1. clash 见911故事
  2. contest 竞赛
  context 上下文,事情的来龙去脉
  pretext 借口
  texture 结构;质地
  3. debate 争论,辩论
  They tossed your thoughts back and forth for over an hour, but still could not make __________ of them.
  A) impression
  B) comprehension
  C) meaning
  D) sense
  注:1. make sense of 理解,明白
  catch on 理解,明白
  2. impression 印象
  express 表达
  compress 压缩
  suppress 镇压,压制
  3. comprehension 理解
  apprehension 理解,领悟;忧虑,恐惧
  The politician says he will __________ the welfare of the people.
  A) prey on
  B) take on
  C) get at
  D) see to
  注:1. see to 照顾,照看
  2. prey on 以……为食,捕食
  3. take on 承担
  take to 喜欢
  take after 像
  take into account 考虑
  take turns 轮流
  take up 占据
  take off 起飞
  take out 拿出
  take in 欺骗;吸收
  take over 接管
  take on 承担
  4. get at 理解,明白(一般不是答案)