

  07-4 Unit 2
  26. The person who ______ this type of research deserves our praise.
  A originated B manufactured
  C generated D estimated
  praise 赞扬
  applaud 赞扬
  loop 环形
  plight 困境
  pour 泼
  poverty 贫穷
  peep 偷窥
  origin n.起源
  originate v.起源(from);开始
  manufacture 制造
  generate 产生 gene(基因)+rate(速度)
  rate 系列
  moderate 适度的 mode(模式)+rate(速度)
  penetrate 渗透
  exaggerate 夸大
  estimate 估计
  -est 表示”最”
  earnest 认真的
  modest 谦虚的
  estate 房地产
  estimate 估计
  estimated to be 据估计最…
  It’s estimated that 据估计
  illumine 点亮,照亮
  elude 逃避
  illusion 幻觉
  ignore 忽视
  annoy 使烦恼
  humble 谦虚的,谦卑的
  tumble 跌倒,摔倒
  stumble 跌倒
  gamble 赌博
  07-5 Unit 2
  27. Dogs are often praised for their ____; they almost never abandon their masters
  A faith B loyalty
  C trust D truthfulness
  loyal 忠诚的
  loyalty n.忠诚
  royal 皇室的
  royalty n.皇室
  faith 信念
  trust 信念
  truthfulness 真诚
  modest 谦虚的
  generous 慷慨的
  28. When business is ______, there is usually an obvious increase in unemployment.
  A degraded B depressed
  C reduced D lessened
  depress 使沮丧,使萧条
  degrade 降级
  29.He believed that the greatest of his ______ was that he'd never had a college education.
  A griefs B misfortunes
  C disasters D sorrows
  mislead 误导
  mistake 错误
  missile 导弹
  grief 悲伤
  disaster 灾难
  sorrow 痛苦
  07-6 Unit 3
  1. By moving the radar beam around slowly in circles, we can _____ the surroundings
  A explore B expose
  C exploit D addle
  explore 探索,研究
  expose 暴露
  exploit 开发,剥削
  addle 混乱
  2. The lady dressed in the latest Paris fashion is ______ in her appearance but rude in her speech
  A elaborate B excessive
  C elegant D exaggerated
  elegant 优雅的
  race 比赛
  brace 背带
  grace 优雅
  trace v.追踪;n.足迹
  grace ->graceful 优雅的
  gracious 谦虚的,谦恭的
  elaborate 详细的
  rude 作为词根,表示”原始”
  crude 原始的
  rudiment 基本原理
  rudimentary 基本的
  erudite 博学多才的
  3. A window in the kitchen was _____ ; there was rubbish everywhere, and the curtains and carpets had been stolen .
  A scattered B scraped
  C scratched D smashed
  smash 击碎,打碎
  rubbish 垃圾
  rub 摩擦
  eraser 橡皮
  erase 擦掉
  temper 脾气
  engineer 工程师
  engine 发动机
  career 职业
  scatter 分散
  scrape 刮
  skyscraper 摩天大楼
  scratch 刮,搔,抓
  scratch one’s head
  arithmetic 算数
  A rat in Tom’s house may eat Tom’s ice cream.
  amiable (个性)和善的
  earnest 认真的
  modest 谦虚的
  estate 房地产
  estimate 估计