

  07-7 Unit 3
  4. As a _____ actor, he can perform, sing, dance and play several kinds of musical instruments
  A flexible B versatile
  C sophisticated D productive
  versatile 多才多艺的
  词根ver 表示”转”
  reverse 颠倒,反转
  conversation 谈话
  universe 宇宙
  controversy 矛盾本文来源: www.hxen.net
  flexible 弹性的,灵活的
  sophisticated 复杂的
  5. There are not many teachers who are strong ____ of traditional methods in English teaching.
  A sponsors B contributors
  C advocates D performers
  advocate 支持者,用户者
  sponsor 发起人,赞助商
  contributor 贡献者,捐献者
  performer 演员
  form 表示”形式”
  formal 正式的
  casual 随意的
  transformer 变形金刚,变压器
  inform 通知
  conform 符合(to)
  07-8 Unit 3
  6. On weekend , my grandma usually ____ a glass of wine.
  A subscribes to B engages in
  C hangs on D indulges in
  ull 系列
  gull 海鸥
  hull 硬壳
  lull 安静
  mull 思考 mull over
  bull 公牛
  dull 枯燥的,郁闷的,乏味的
  cull 挑选
  apple – polisher 马屁精
  gullible 易上当的
  lullaby 摇篮曲
  sonata 奏鸣曲
  nest 依偎
  indulge 纵情
  moderate 适度的
  generate 产生
  penetrate 渗透
  exaggerate 夸大
  earnest 认真的
  modest 谦虚的
  estate 房地产
  estimate 估计
  subscribe 订阅
  engage in 忙于
  hang on 坚持
  indulge in 沉溺于
  07-9 Unit 3
  7. At the party we found that shy girl _____ her mother all the time.
  A depending on B coinciding with
  C adhering to D clinging to
  depend on 依赖
  coincide with 与….巧合
  coincident adj. 巧合的
  coincidence n.
  adhere to 粘着
  put an ad 做个广告
  adage 格言
  savage = brutal 野蛮的,未开化的
  manage 管理
  manage to do 设法
  image 形象
  imagine 想象
  cling to 依靠
  07-9 Unit 3本文来源: www.hxen.net
  8. The education provides them _____ to economic progress.
  A admission B acceptance
  C access D approach
  admission 承认,认可
  approach v.接近 n.方法
  proach 表示”接近”
  approachable 平易近人的
  9. This can _____ the worry between a couple that they don't understand each other.
  A release B relent C relieve D relay
  couple 夫妇
  spouse 配偶
  release 释放
  relent 仁慈的 relentless 冷酷无情的
  relay 转播
  10. Many distinguished men have ____ from slums.
  A emanated B appeared
  C loomed D emerged
  mango 芒果
  cargo 货物
  freight 货物;运费
  emanate 飘出
  maneuver 操纵,控制
  manifold 多种多样的
  emerge 出现
  emergency 紧急情况
  mer 表示”浸入水里”
  immerse 沉浸
  chill 寒冷
  submerge 淹没
  11. The most advanced communication ______ can pass information to any member state in no more than five seconds.
  A furniture B facilities
  C equipment D ornaments
  facility 设备
  furniture 家具
  ornament 装饰,修饰
  orn 表示”装饰”
  adorn 装饰