

  08-4 Unit 3
  19. Color-blind people often find it difficult to ______ between blue and green.
  A separate B distinguish
  C compare D contrast
  distinguish 区分
  separate 区分,区别
  compare 比较
  词根par 表示”并排”
  paramour 情妇 sweetie 小甜甜,情妇
  amorous 情爱的
  glamour 魅力
  paramount 最高的,至高无上的
  parasite 寄生虫
  paralyze 麻醉,麻痹
  analyze 分析
  contrast 对比,对照
  st 想成”街道”
  stink 恶臭
  staple 主要产品
  stable 稳定的
  contrary 相反
  roll 滚动 roller 旱冰鞋
  enroll 招生
  retch 干呕,恶心
  stretch 伸展
  wretch 悲惨
  08-5 Unit 3
  20. The choir stood in four rows according to their ____ heights
  A respective B respectable
  C respected D respectful
  词根spect 表示”看”
  inspect 检查采集者退散
  prospect 前景,希望
  aspect 方面
  expect 估计
  retrospect 回顾
  little people talk about people
  middle people talk about things
  great people talk about dream
  respect 尊敬
  respectful 尊老爱幼的,尊敬他人的
  respectable 可尊敬的,体面的
  respected 被尊敬的人
  respective 单独的,单个的
  21. There are few areas of our lives in which tools don't play an ______ part.
  A indispensable B independent
  C indistinguishable D indiscriminate
  indispensable 必不可少的
  independent 独立的
  indistinguishable 不可区分的
  indiscriminate 不辨善恶的,不辨美丑的
  discriminate 歧视,分辨
  08-6 Unit 3来源:www.hxen.net
  22. He is such a(n)_____ person that he gives money to whoever is in need of his help.
  A amiable B agreeable
  C generous D hospitable
  generous 慷慨的
  amiable 和谐的
  hospitable 热情好客的
  23. A man who doesn't like to talk about himself or to make his feelings known to others is called a ________ man
  A reserved B conservative
  C tolerant D preserved
  reserved 保留的,内向的
  conservative 保守的
  tolerant 容忍的
  24. He reads so ______ that he knows almost everything about various fields of learning.
  A extensively B intensively
  C closely D exclusively
  extensively 广泛的
  exclusively 排他的,独占的
  词根clud 表示”关闭” –> clusive ,clusion
  include 包括
  exclude 排除
  preclude 防止,杜绝
  25. The light was too _____ for the boy to read the letter.
  A illuminating B implicit
  C explicit D dim
  dim 暗淡的
  loom 若隐若现
  mend 缝补
  maid 少女,女仆
  mature 成熟
  premature 早熟
  calm 平静
  jam v. 塞满 n. 果酱
  moral 道德的
  image 形像
  mirth 高兴
  mirthless 不高兴的
  illuminate 点亮,照亮
  词根plic 表示重叠
  complicated 复杂的
  duplicate 复制,模仿
  implicit 含蓄的
  explicit 直接的,明确的