

  08-7 Unit 3
  26. None of us was _____ when Bill ask for help.
  A attainable B approachable
  C available D applicable
  available 可获得的
  Do you have the time? 几点了?
  What time do you have? 到底几点钟?
  applicable 可应用的采集者退散
  27. His final remarks had a tremendous _____ on audience.
  A collision B impact
  C uplift D uproar
  impact 影响
  collide v. 碰撞
  bumper 保险杆
  bumper car 碰碰车
  ump 表示 “有突出感”
  lump 肿块,疙瘩
  plump 丰满的
  hump 驼峰
  uproar 骚动
  oar 船桨
  soar 飞翔
  boar 野猪
  roar 吼叫
  08-7 Unit 3
  28. He was a brilliant musician as a boy but he never ______ his early promise.
  A completed B concluded
  C fulfilled D performed
  fulfill 履行
  29. Tom has been ____ of sight for many years.
  A busy B disappointed
  C ashamed D deprived
  Peeping Tom 偷窥狂
  be deprived of 剥夺
  30. The actress were dressed in ______ costumes.
  A elaborate B deliberate
  C delicate D delinquent
  elaborate 精致的
  词根 liber 表示 “自由”
  liberal 自由的
  liberty 自由
  deliberate 故意的,深思熟虑的
  = intentional
  词根tent 表示”伸展”
  intention 打算
  content 内容
  patent 专利
  delinquent 犯错误的,犯罪的
  rend 撕碎
  heart rended 撕心裂肺
  rend 撕裂
  bend 弯曲,屈服
  fend (against) 保护,防御工事
  tend 照顾,照料
  mend 修补
  wend 回家
  wend one’s way