

  09-2 Unit 4
  3.The person who_____ this type of reform deserves our praise.
  A generated B estimated
  C originated D manufactured
  manufacture 制造
  manual 手册
  mandate 命令
  have a date with sb.
  tryst 约会
  engagement 约定
  appointment (正式的)约会
  make an appointment
  09-3 Unit 4
  4. He always does something casually. So casualty is a ______ in his character.
  A proficiency B defect
  C virtue D appendix
  defect 缺点
  词根fect 表示 “做事情”
  infect 传染
  affect 影响
  affection 感情
  affectionate 充满感情的
  effect 效果
  effective 有效的来源:www.hxen.net
  efficient 有效率的
  virtue 优点
  environment 环境
  ambiance 周边环境
  surrounding 环境
  circumstance 环境
  ambiguous 模棱两可的
  appendix 附录
  proficiency 熟练
  09-4 Unit 4
  5. He ______ certain passages from the original book in the new edition.
  A concluded B included
  C excluded D secluded
  seclude 隔离
  6. He has never liked meat, and has always had a ______ for vegetables and fruit.
  A admiration B preference
  C substitution D compensation
  preference 偏爱
  substitution 替代
  compensation 赔偿
  7. I was moved and grandpa was equally_____. Rarely had I seen him so worked up.
  A infected B affected
  C inflicted D afflicted
  infect 传染(疾病)
  词根flict 表示 “打”
  inflict 自我折磨
  conflict 冲突
  afflict 使折磨 spank 打屁股
  8. Education is ____ for the development of a country.
  A indispensable B accountable
  C deliberate D deficient
  fertile 肥沃的
  patience 耐心
  patient 耐心的;患者
  treasure 珍爱;珍宝
  cherry 珍爱,樱桃
  superior 卓越的,优良的
  vacation 假期
  vacant 空的
  09-5 Unit 4
  9. Everybody______ in the hall where
  they were welcomed by the secretary.
  A assemble B accumulated
  C piled D joined
  assemble (人群)聚集
  accumulate 积累,积聚
  cumulonimbus 积雨云
  cumulative 积累的
  10. By law, when one makes a large purchase, he should have _____ opportunity to change his mind.
  A accurate B urgent
  C excessive D adequate
  adequate 足够的
  11 Most broadcasters maintain that TV has been fairly criticized and argue that the power of the medium is _____
  A granted B implied
  C exaggerated D remedied
  exaggerate 夸大
  grant 授予
  honor student 三好学生
  imply 暗示
  remedy (治疗疾病的)良方
  满天星斗starry,妹妹坐在那silently,满眼饱含emotion,妹妹slightly对你笑,你知道她在imply你,于是你鼓起勇气(encourage)对她说: “上天让我遇见你,是对我最大的penalty,让我merry,你occupy我的世界,不知拥有你的真爱是否luxury”.妹妹说: “男人我见过many,你是最有意思而不dirty,你humble, generous, genuine, 应该拥有不错的personality,于是将你胸膛深深地rely(on)”.听说公园有很多偷窥狂,于是你拿了一块板,写上 “新手调情,请勿偷窥”。
  11. Most broadcasters maintain that TV has been fairly criticized and argue that the power
  of the medium is _____
  A granted B implied
  C exaggerated D remedied
  encourage 鼓励
  motivate 鼓励
  motto 格言
  mot表示 “运动”
  motion 运动
  emotion 感情
  illuminate 照亮,启发
  ignite 点燃,启发
  incentive (经济方面)刺激
  12. Young people are not ______ to stand and look at works of art, they want art they can participate in.
  A conservative B content
  C confident D generous
  09-6 Unit 4
  12. Young people are not ______ to stand and look at works of art, they want art they can participate in.
  A conservative B content
  C confident D generous
  content 满足的
  tent 帐篷
  13.In Britain people _______ four million tons of potatoes every year.
  A swallow B dispose
  C consume D exhaust
  consume 消费
  swallow 吞下
  dispose 处理
  disposition 气质
  temperament 气质
  temerity 轻率,草率
  temper 脾气,缓和,锻炼
  tempera 颜料蛋temperament 气质,性情
  temperate 自制的, (气候)温和的
  tempest 暴风雨;动乱,骚动
  exhaust 耗尽
  evident 明显的
  electron 电子
  atom 原子
  expand 膨胀