

  09-7 Unit 4
  14. some diseases are _____ by certain water animals.
  A transplant B transformed
  C transported D transmitted
  trans- 交换
  transform 改变
  transport 运输
  porter 搬运工
  redcap 小红帽
  import 进口 export 出口
  passport 护照
  transmit (疾病,广播节目,快乐) 传播
  transplant 移植
  transfer 转移,调任
  15 If Japan _____its relation with that country , It will have to find another supplier of raw materials
  A precludes B terminates
  C partitions D expires
  terminate 终止,终结
  terminator 终结者
  partition 分裂
  expire 断气
  16.The wealth of a country should be measured _____the health and happiness of its people as well as the material goods.
  A in line with B in terms of
  C by means of D in favor of
  in terms of 根据
  in line with 跟…相关
  stream (人)流,溪
  steam n.蒸汽 v.蒸
  seam 缝隙
  rap 敲击
  trap 陷阱
  strap n.皮带 v.用带捆扎
  by means of 通过… 方法
  in favor 支持,拥护
  09-8 Unit 4
  17. That part of the town is completely ____ of interest for visitors. There is no scenery at all.
  A suspicious B demonstrative
  C void D irrespective
  void 空的,无效的
  avoid 避免,回避
  devoid 耗尽的,弄空的
  suspicious 怀疑的
  demonstrative 掩饰的,证明的
  irrespective 无关的,不相关的
  18.______ to the mountain towns is often difficult because of bad roads.
  A aversion B orison
  C Incentive D access
  access 接近
  aversion 厌恶,嫌恶,讨厌的
  orison 祈祷
  incentive (经济方面)刺激
  19. At the tide ____ from the shore, we are able to look for shells.
  A preceded B proceeded
  C acceded D receded
  词根ced 表示 “走路”
  precede 在…之前,领先于,优先
  recede 退潮,撤退
  concede 妥协,让步
  exceed 超过
  proceed 前进
  20 Though it was less attractive, John knew the metal box would be more _______
  A terminal B durable
  C persistent D ultimate
  durable 持久的,耐久的
  terminal 持久的,停止的
  persistent 持久的,固执的,永恒的
  ultimate 最终的,最后的
  09-9 Unit 4
  21. They could not go to the theater together because his free time never ______ with hers.
  A collide B comply C coincide D cope
  coincide 巧合,一致
  collide 碰撞,相冲撞
  comply(with) 遵守(法律法规)
  -ply 重叠
  imply 暗示,提示
  reply 回答,回复
  supply 提供,攻击
  multi- 多
  multimedia 多媒体
  multiply 乘,繁殖
  monopoly 统治,垄断
  cope(with) 处理
  22.Everyone in the auditorium was weeping by the time he finished the ____ tale.
  A perpetual B vigorous
  C ultimate D pathetic
  pathetic 可怜的,悲惨的
  degenerate 退化
  perpetual 连续不断的,永久的
  vigorous 精力充沛的,强壮的
  23. we have taken all the ____ we can against the painting being stolen.
  A precautions B admission
  C concessions D transactions
  precaution 预防措施
  admission 允许进入
  concession 让步
  transaction 交易
  24. The ____man would go his own way, in spite of all warnings.
  A obedient B obstinate
  C digital D elaborate
  obstinate 固执的
  obey 服从
  obedient 顺从的,服从的
  digital 数字的
  elaborate 精耕细作的,详细的
  25.Some flowers , like roses, are famous for their strong ______.
  A fragrance B flavor
  C demon D outline
  fragrance 芳香
  flavor 气味
  favor 喜欢
  demon 恶魔
  outline 大纲,轮廓
  outcome 结果
  outlet 发泄,出口,出路
  26. The amateur team was _____from the contest in the first round.
  A detached B excused
  C distracted D eliminated
  eliminate 排除,淘汰
  词根 limi 表示 “限制”
  detach 拆分,拆开
  excuse 借口
  distract 分散注意力,转移
  27 He is planning another tour abroad, yet his passport will_____ at the end of this month.
  A expire B exceed
  C terminate D cease
  expire 过期,断气
  cease 停止
  28. All the off __shore oil explorers were in high spirits as they read _____letters from their families.
  A sentimental B affectionate
  C intimate D sensitive
  sentimental 多愁善感的
  intimate 亲密的
  affectionate 有感情的
  sensitive 敏感的
  29.Please _____yourself from smoking and spitting in public places, since the law forbids them.
  A restrain B hinder
  C restrict D prohibit
  restrain 限制,抑制(某人的行为)
  constrain 限制,抑制(来自外界),拘束
  hinder 阻碍
  restrict =put a limit 限制(时速,物价等)
  prohibit 禁止
  30. The elderly Russians find it hard to live on their state____
  A pensions B earnings
  C salaries D donations
  pension 养老金
  donation 捐款