

  Some historians say that the most important contribution of Dwight Eisenhower’s presidency (总统任期) in the 1950s was the U.S. interstate highway system. It was a __62__ project, easily surpassing the scale of such previous human __63__ as the Panama Canal. Eisenhower’s interstate highways __64__ the nation together in new ways and __65__ major economic growth by making commerce less __66__. Today, an information superhighway has been built—an electronic network that __67__ libraries, corporations, government agencies and __68__. This electronic superhighway is called the Internet, __69__ it is the backbone (主干) of the World Wide Web。
  The Internet had its __70__ in a 1969 U.S. Defense Department computer network called ARPAnet, which __71__ Advanced Research Projects Agency Network. The Pentagon built the network for military contractors and universities doing military research to __72__ information. In 1983 the National Science Foundation (NSF), __73__ mission is to promote science, took over。
  This new NSF network __74__ more and more institutional users, may of __75__ had their own internal networks. For example, most universities that __76__ the NSF network had intracampus computer networks. The NSF network __77__ became a connector for thousands of other networks. __78__ a backbone system that interconnects networks, internet was a name that fit。
  So we can see that the Internet is the wired infrastructure (基础设施) on which web __79__ move. It began as a military communication system, which expanded into a government-funded __80__ research network。
  Today, the Internet is a user-financed system tying institutions of many sorts together __81__ an “information superhighway。”
  62. A.concise B.radical C.massive D.trivial
  63. A.behaviors B.endeavors C.inventions D.elements
  64. A.packed B.stuck C.suppressed D.bound
  65. A.facilitated B.modified C.mobilized D.terminated
  66. A.competitive B.comparative C.exclusive D.expensive
  67. A.merges B.connects C.relays D.unifies
  68. A.figures B.personalities C.individuals D.humans
  69. A.and B.yet C.or D.while
  70. A.samples B.sources C.origins D.precedents
  71. A.stood by B.stood for C.stood against D.stood over
  72. A.exchange B.bypass C.switch D.interact
  73. A.their B.that C.when D.whose
  74. A.expanded B.contracted C.attracted D.extended
  75. A.what B.which C.these D.them
  76. A.joined B.attached C.participated D.involved
  77. A.moreover B.however C.likewise D.then  
  78. A.With B.By C.In D.As
  79. A.contexts B.signs C.messages D.leaflets
  80. A.citizen B.civilian C.amateur D.resident
  81. A.into B.amid C.over D.toward
  82. With the oil prices ever rising, she tried to talk ________ (说服他不买车)。
  83. ________ (保持幽默有助于) reduce stress and promote creative thinking in today’s competitive society。
  84. When confronted with the evidence, ________ (他不得不坦白自己的罪行)。
  85. When people say, “I can feel my ears burning,” it means they think ________ (一定有人在说他们坏话)。
  86. She has decided to go on a diet, but finds ________ (很难抵制冰淇淋的诱惑)。