

  2. Suffixes
  1) –ant, -ent applicant, component, servant, student
  2) –er, -or, -ar employer, interviewer, trainer, painter, New Yorker, Northerner, lighter, cooker, conductor, beggar, arbiter, shipper
  3) –ee absentee, abandonee, employee, interviewee, trainee
  4) –eer engineer, pioneer
  5) –an, -ian, -arian historian, humanitarian, librarian, musician, Canadian
  6) –ese Chinese, Japanese
  7) –ist artist, Marxist, capitalist, creationist, extremist, futurologist, manicurist, neuroscientist, oncologist, purist
  8) –ism socialism, capitalism, mechanism, ableism, ageism, individualism, collectivism, creationism, optimism, pessimism, alphabetism
  9) -ability, -ibility ability, flexibility, availability, capability, mutability
  10) –age postage, shrinkage, wastage
  11) –al arrival, refusal, revival
  12) –ance, -ence appearance, reference
  13) –ancy, -ency emergency, expectancy, delinquency
  14) –cy accuracy, bankruptcy
  15) –dom freedom, kingdom, wisdom
  16) –ery bravery, cookery
  17) –ess actress, lioness本文来源: 和谐英语学习
  18) –ette cigarette, novelette, cassette
  19) –ful handful, spoonful
  20) –hood childhood, brotherhood, neighborhood
  21) –ics economics, electronics, mechanics, physics, mathematics, politics
  22) –ion(-sion, -ssion -ition, -ation) decision, discussion, inflation, translation, action, correction, allegation, connotation, depletion, distortion, elimination, emulation, formulation, immunization, integration, manipulation, radiation, recitation, vaccination
  23) –ity, -ty reality, curiosity, purity, security, certainty, cruelty, difficulty, loyalty, poverty, safety, municipality, triviality, affinity, diversity, ingenuity, maturity, mediocrity, mobility, sovereignty, timidity
  24) –ment movement, agreement, harassment, refinement
  25) –ness carelessness, greatness, friendliness, weakness, tiredness, inventiveness
  26) –ology futurology, geology, biology, musicology, psychology, anthropology, cosmology
  27) –ship hardship, friendship, sportsmanship, editorship
  28) –th birth, death, breadth, strength, truth
  29) -ure closure, exposure
  30) –able, -ible acceptable, admissible, avoidable, eatable, countable, notable , suitable, variable, accessible, praisable, sizable, tangible
  31) –al educational, additional, normal, natural, essential, detrimental, emotional, parental, patriarchal, promotional, spatial, surgical
  32) –an, -arian, -ian suburban, disciplinarian, Canadian, partisan
  33) –ant, -ent different, resultant
  34) –ary, -ory advisory, customary, complementary, parliamentary
  35) –ate considerate, fortunate, passionate
  36) –en golden, wooden, woolen
  37) –ern northern, southern
  38) –ese Chinese, Japanese
  39) –free carefree, troublefree
  40) –ful careful, painful
  41) –ic, -ical atomic, biological, economic, economical, historic, historical, classic, classical, scientific, medical, mechanic, mechanical, hypocritical, psychedelic, psychoactive, strategic, volcanic
  42) –ish selfish, childish, womanish, greenish, reddish, yellowish, Swedish, Danish
  43) –ive creative, decisive, supportive, adaptive, competitive, hyperactive, persuasive, pervasive, speculative
  44) –less useless, fruitless, boundless, groundless, hopeless, jobless
  45) –like childlike, ladylike
  46) –ly, –y, -ry manly, monthly, hairy, noisy, scary
  47) –ous, –ious, -uous, -eous various, continuous, courageous, courteous, harmonious
  48) –proof airproof, bulletproof, fireproof, waterproof
  49) –some tiresome, lonesome, quarrelsome, troublesome, worrisome
  50) –ward downward, homeward
  51) –ed purified, farfetched, frenzied
  52) –en deepen, fasten, lengthen, strengthen, harden, liken, tighten
  53) –ify beautify, classify, electrify, horrify, identify, modify, simplify, justify, testify, verify, rectify
  54) –ize, -yze, -ise, -yse analyze, modernize, industrialize, popularize, specialisation, professionalisation, penalize, urbanize, urbanization, normalize, normalization, politicize
  55) –ly clearly, easily, quickly, ironically, radically
  56) –ward, -wards inward, outward, upward, downward, homeward, northwards
  57) -wise clockwise, otherwise
  3. Stems
  1) vis (to see) visible, vision, visual, visit, visitor, advice, supervise, television
  2) agri (land) agriculture, agronomy
  3) ann (year) anniversary, annual, semiannual, centennial
  4) astro, aster (star) astrology, astronomy, astronaut, astrophysics, disaster, asteroid, astronomer
  5) audi (to hear) audience, auditorium , audit , auditor , auditory, audio-visual
  6) bell (war) rebel, rebellion, rebellious, belligerent
  7) ced (to go) precede, precedent, uNPRecedented, exceed, proceed, succeed
  8) cid, cis (to cut, to kill) decide, decision, decisive , concise, suicide, homicide, pesticide
  9) claim (to cry, to shout) exclaim, proclaim, acclaim, clamor
  10) clar (clear) declare, clarify, clarity
  11) cord (heart) cordial, concord, discord , accord
  12) cred (to believe, to trust) credible, incredible, credulous, credit, credential
  13) dent (tooth) dental, dentist
  14) dict (to say) contradict, dictate, dictator, predict, indicate, indicative
  15) fact (to do, to make) factory, manufacture, benefactor, malefactor
  16) flu (to flow) fluent, influence, influenza (flu), fluid
  17) geo (earth) geography, geometry, geology , geopolitics
  18) gram, graph (to draw, to write) diagram, telegram, program, photograph, geography, telegraph
  19) insul (island) insulate, insulator , insular, peninsula
  20) ject (to throw) project, inject, reject, subject, eject
  21) liber (free) liberate, liberty (at liberty), liberal, liberalism
  22) liter (letter) literate , literacy, illiterate, illiteracy, literature, literary, literal , literally
  23) log (to speak) dialogue, apology, prologue, monologue, logic
  24) manu (hand) manuscript , manufacture, manufacturer, manual, manage, management, manager
  25) medi (middle) immediate, medium, media, mediate, medieval, median
  26) mort (death) mortal, immortal, mortality
  27) nov (new) novel, novelty, novice, innovate
  28) ori (to rise) orient, oriental, Oriental, orientation, origin, original, originate, disorient
  29) pend (to hang, money) depend, dependent, dependency, dependable, independent, suspend, expend, spend, expenditure, expense, expensive, pension
  30) port (to carry) portable, import, export, deport, porter, support
  31) pur (pure) purify , purity , Puritan
  32) rect (correct, straight) correct, rectify , erect
  33) rupt (to break) interrupt, disrupt, bankrupt, bankruptcy, corrupt
  34) sal (salt) salary, salad
  35) sist (to stand) resist, resistance, resistible, consist, assist, exist, insist, persist
  36) spect (to look) spectacle, spectacular, prospect, retrospect, inspect, respect, suspect, circumspect , spectator , conspicuous , perspective
  37) spir (breath) inspire, inspiration, spirit
  38) tract (to draw) tractor, attract, protract, contract, abstract, extract, distract
  39) urb (city) urban, suburb, suburban
  40) vac (empty) vacant, vacation, vacuum
  41) vit (life) vital, vitality, vitamin, vitalize
  42) viv (to live) survive, survival, survivor, revival, vivid, vivacity
  4. Compounds
  breakfast, brunch, businessman, dragonfly, headmaster, headquarters, history, mankind, masterpiece, person, sit-in, downsize, backbone, lifestyle, lockout, newsletter, scapegoat, signpost, smallpox, spymaster, stakeholder, standstill, stockpile, trustworthy