圣抹大拉的玛利亚 Mary Magdalene, St.
耶稣的信徒之一,第一个看到复活后的基督的人。根据〈路加福音〉第8章第2节和〈马可福音〉第16章第9节记载∶耶稣从她身上赶走七鬼。她陪同耶稣到加利利,目睹了他受刑和被埋葬的过程。在复活节这天早上,她与另外两名妇女去为耶稣的尸体施涂油礼,发现坟墓已空。后来耶稣出现在她面前,并让她转告其使徒,他已升天到了上帝那里。在传说中人们一直把她说成是为了悔改而为耶稣涂脚油的妓女。 Follower of Jesus and the first person to see the resurrected Christ. According to Luke 8:2 and Mark 16:9, Jesus cleansed her of seven demons. She accompanied him in Galilee, and she witnessed his crucifixion and burial. On Easter morning she went with two other women to anoint the corpse and found the tomb empty. Christ later appeared to her and instructed her to tell the Apostles that he was ascending to God. Popular tradition has long associated her with the repentant prostitute who anointed Christ's feet.
耶稣的信徒之一,第一个看到复活后的基督的人。根据〈路加福音〉第8章第2节和〈马可福音〉第16章第9节记载∶耶稣从她身上赶走七鬼。她陪同耶稣到加利利,目睹了他受刑和被埋葬的过程。在复活节这天早上,她与另外两名妇女去为耶稣的尸体施涂油礼,发现坟墓已空。后来耶稣出现在她面前,并让她转告其使徒,他已升天到了上帝那里。在传说中人们一直把她说成是为了悔改而为耶稣涂脚油的妓女。 Follower of Jesus and the first person to see the resurrected Christ. According to Luke 8:2 and Mark 16:9, Jesus cleansed her of seven demons. She accompanied him in Galilee, and she witnessed his crucifixion and burial. On Easter morning she went with two other women to anoint the corpse and found the tomb empty. Christ later appeared to her and instructed her to tell the Apostles that he was ascending to God. Popular tradition has long associated her with the repentant prostitute who anointed Christ's feet.
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