玛利亚 Mary
亦称圣母玛利亚(St. Mary或Virgin Mary)
耶稣的母亲。根据福音书中的记载,天使长加百列通知她因圣灵感孕耶稣时,她已和圣约瑟订婚;福音中关于她的其他记载包括:她访问施洗者圣约翰之母以利沙伯;耶稣诞生;玛利亚将耶稣带到圣殿献给上帝;博士朝拜耶稣;约瑟、玛利亚携带幼儿耶稣逃往埃及;在加利利的迦拿参加娶亲筵席;耶稣讲道时玛利亚想见耶稣;她亲见耶稣受刑而死等等。东正教、罗马天主教徒和大部分新教教徒都肯定耶稣的神圣性,并认为玛利亚虽怀孕生耶稣但并未丧失童贞。罗马天主教会也提出无原罪始胎和圣母升天的说法。天主教徒向玛利亚祈祷,并把她看作仲裁者。or Virgin Mary Mother of Jesus. According to the Gospels, she was betrothed to St. Joseph when the archangel Gabriel appeared to her to announce the coming birth of Jesus. Other incidents in the Gospels in which she appears include the visit to Elizabeth, mother of John the Baptist; the birth of Jesus and his presentation in the Temple; the coming of the Magi and the flight to Egypt; the marriage at Cana in Galilee; the attempt to see Jesus while he was teaching; and watching at the cross. Eastern Orthodoxy, Roman Catholicism, and most Protestant denominations hold Jesus to have been divinely conceived and Mary to have remained a virgin. The Roman Catholic church also holds to the doctrine of her Immaculate Conception and her bodily assumption into heaven. Catholics pray to Mary as an intercessor.
耶稣的母亲。根据福音书中的记载,天使长加百列通知她因圣灵感孕耶稣时,她已和圣约瑟订婚;福音中关于她的其他记载包括:她访问施洗者圣约翰之母以利沙伯;耶稣诞生;玛利亚将耶稣带到圣殿献给上帝;博士朝拜耶稣;约瑟、玛利亚携带幼儿耶稣逃往埃及;在加利利的迦拿参加娶亲筵席;耶稣讲道时玛利亚想见耶稣;她亲见耶稣受刑而死等等。东正教、罗马天主教徒和大部分新教教徒都肯定耶稣的神圣性,并认为玛利亚虽怀孕生耶稣但并未丧失童贞。罗马天主教会也提出无原罪始胎和圣母升天的说法。天主教徒向玛利亚祈祷,并把她看作仲裁者。or Virgin Mary Mother of Jesus. According to the Gospels, she was betrothed to St. Joseph when the archangel Gabriel appeared to her to announce the coming birth of Jesus. Other incidents in the Gospels in which she appears include the visit to Elizabeth, mother of John the Baptist; the birth of Jesus and his presentation in the Temple; the coming of the Magi and the flight to Egypt; the marriage at Cana in Galilee; the attempt to see Jesus while he was teaching; and watching at the cross. Eastern Orthodoxy, Roman Catholicism, and most Protestant denominations hold Jesus to have been divinely conceived and Mary to have remained a virgin. The Roman Catholic church also holds to the doctrine of her Immaculate Conception and her bodily assumption into heaven. Catholics pray to Mary as an intercessor.