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  女性,26岁 Female, 26

Hire the plain one! After the recession ends he/she will be offered fewer enticements to leave。
3. 聘用那个长的难看的!在经济衰退结束后,他/她离职的可能性比较小。

  顾问,男性,74岁 Consultant, male, 74

Hire the slim one. Obese people are more likely to take time off owing to illness. Obesity is a lifestyle choice and so you'd not be discriminating against a person with a disability by not hiring the fat one。
4. 聘用那个苗条的家伙。胖人更可能请病假。肥胖是一种生活方式的选择,因此你不会因没有聘用胖人,而让人觉得你在歧视残疾人。

  匿名,男性 Anon, male

From personal experience, dealing with adult-onset acne makes one infinitely tougher and more resilient at work。
5. 从我的个人经历来说,与成年期粉刺做斗争会让人无比坚强,在工作中适应能力更强。
匿名,女性 Anon, female

Winston Churchill was overweight, unfit, drank, smoked, wasn't very good looking . . . Got the picture?
6. 温斯顿-丘吉尔(Winston Churchill)超重、不健康、酗酒、抽烟,长得不太好看……看过照片了吗?