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  B: Yes, but I didn't want to lose her.

  N: But you did, right.

  B: No, I didn't.

  N: Yes, u did lost her.

  B: How did you know that I lost her.

  N: Well, just intuition.(感觉而已。)


  B: Maybe you r right.

  N: You admit that I'm right.

  B: I just said maybe, but I am sure that everyone out there has heard the old saying, "you don't know what u have until it's gone".(只有当你失去后,才知道什么是珍惜。)

  N: You are living those exact words now!~(这句话是你现在最好的写照。)

  B: Well, I NEVER thought I would be living those exact words. But right now I recite those words over and over and over in my head, day after day, night after night, hour after hour, second after …

  N: What an online romance.

  B: It's not online, it's face to face.

  B: And I hate the term "online romance". We did meet online, but not fall in love that way, we knew each other offline and fall in love offline.(我讨厌“网恋”这个词,我们是在网上认识的,但并不是在网上相爱的,我们在网络以外的现实中相恋。)

  N: So much of your relationship is offline.(你们大部分的感情是建立在网络以外的。)

  B: You are damn right.(你说的他妈的太对了。)

  B: I hate those kind of cyber love(网恋).

  N: There has been many cyber lovers.

  B: But not me.