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  N: Hi, brian.

  N: Are you there?

  B: Sorry, I'm cooking.

  N: Oh, really? You must be a good cook.

  B: Well, the meal I cooked the day before was mad (昨天做的菜坏掉了), so I had to do it over.

  N: Did you finish it?

  B: Yeah, completed. Sorry to keep you wait.

  N: What's your meal?

  B: Well, tomato and potato.

  N: That's good.

  B: Yes, I think so.

  N: How did you make it?

  B: Well I tried to follow the broadcast but then I find out it was just a bou-shit.



  N: Anything wrong?

  B: Oh, no, I just had my meal in my own way, and it tastes good!

  N: Oh, really?

  B: Yes.

  N: That's ok, how is your book going.

  B: Well, its going on well.

  N: Will you chose it as profession(你会选择以此“写书”为职业么)?

  B: Well, I chose to write it because it's natural to me.

  N: But you didn't do it for a living (但你不会以此来谋生).

  B: Yeah, even there isn't anything that pays you as much money as writing books (是的,尽管没有比写书更能赚钱了).