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Ukrainian Prime Minister Wins Runoff


Ukraine's prime minister won the country's bitterly fought presidential runoff , elections officials said Monday. But election observers said the vote did not meet international standards and the opposition alleged fraud. With nearly more than 99 percent of precincts counted, Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych had 49.42 percent, compared to Viktor Yushchenko's 46.69 percent, the Central Election Commission said.

But exit polls showed Yushchenko ahead, and he accused authorities of vote fraud. He has urged his supporters to demonstrate against vote-rigging and called for an emergency parliament session. Over 10,000 people gathered in Kiev's main Independence Square. "We will not leave this place until we win," Yushchenko told the crowd. A prominent group of foreign observers said Ukraine's presidential election runoff did not meet international standards for democracy. The joint mission representing the Organization for Security and Cooperationin Europe, the Council of Europe, the European Parliament and NATO said they observed abuse of state resources in favor of Prime Minister Viktor Yanykovych.