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"Plastic Flowers" Wins Cool Toronto Hearts

  第29届加拿大多伦多国际电影节日前落下帷幕。中国电影《春花开》作为世界首映,获得了媒体和观众的广泛好评。当地华人报纸《星岛日报》、《世界日报》以及加拿大多元文化电视台等国外十几家媒体对演员刘晓庆的表演赞赏有加,称赞她饰演的谢春花真实自然,一改过去的戏路风格,令人耳目一新。影片在电影节专门放映大师级作品的ISABEL BADER影院连映三场,场场爆满,当地很多华人甚至外国观众都是刘晓庆的忠实影迷。

With the curtain now closed on the Toronto Film Festival, Chinese film Plastic Flowers has received praise from Canadian critics.

Middle-aged actress Liu Xiaoqing has likewise been commended for her lead role in the film, which is different from her formally more "sophisticated" style of acting. Director Liu Bingjian said that Plastic Flowers is both an artistic and commercial film that features love, suspense and psychology. Liu Xiaoqing has been busy shooting several TV dramas since she was released from jail earlier this year. The forty-three year old actress was a household name in China during the 1980s, but two years ago she was found guilty of tax evasion.