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Guo Jingjing Resumes Diving Training
雅典奥运会双料冠军郭晶晶终于回到了她的“地盘”——跳水池畔。12月1日清晨,一个穿着运动服、扎着马尾辫的姑娘出现在保定的河北省跳水队训练基地田径场上,没有闪烁的镁光灯、前呼后拥的追星族,也没有杂志封面上那或华丽或名贵或个性十足的服饰。郭晶晶再次踏上了她曾经迈向成功的起点。Olympic diving champion Guo Jingjing has resumed her training session , three months after the Athens Olympics. She started the day with a jog and did strength exercises and swam in the afternoon. She finished the session with just three trial dives , China Radio International reported. Guo Jingjing, the heroine of rumoured love affairs with the grandson of a Hong Kong tycoon, has turned down all commercial activities at the request of the swimming administration. Guo Jingjing says she will concentrate her energy on diving and go back to Beijing to consult with doctor about her eyes problems next week.